Once again, they demonstrated alongside Trump in various cities in the United States.


Once again, thousands of people protested in various US cities, local time, on Saturday with US President Donald Trump. In Washington, protesters clashed with activists from the Antifa movement.

Trump supporters include “Four More Years!” a password was recited, suggesting that Donald Trump is seen as the winner of the presidential election.

Trump said in a Twitter message that he did not know about the meeting, but expressed his joy. Sympathy for Trump from Minnesota, Nebraska and Alabama was also reported.

In Washington, radical left activists clashed with protesters alongside Trump. A Washington television channel called WRC-TV reported that four people were taken to hospital with stab wounds and police announced the arrest of 23 people in a Twitter message.

The protests came after the United States Supreme Court on Friday dismissed an action by the state of Texas that sought to invalidate the victory of Democratic candidate Joe Biden in presidential elections in four member states. Texas argued that massive fraud had occurred in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
