Official: Young people can now have the lives of their parents and grandparents in their hands


The purpose of the trace restriction is to eliminate clusters that would increase the spread of the virus.and even one young people gathering in a nightclub could further spread the disease – said the National Medical Director at the online press conference on Thursday about the operational tension responsible for controlling the coronavirus epidemic.

When asking for the patience of the young people, Cecília Müller said: they have a great responsibility, since they themselves are not very prone to becoming seriously ill – They do not even notice that they have been contracted by the virus or are extremely asymptomatic. – but they carry the infection to their loved ones.

The lives of parents and grandparents can now be in the hands of the young stressed the national chief physician.

Cecília Müller said: the health system bears an extraordinary burden In recent days, a dynamic increase and exponential growth characterize the spread of the epidemic in both Hungary and Europe.

He emphasized that in several European countries, the health care system had already reached the limit of its capacity; I want to avoid this in Hungary.

The national medical director also reported that 5,183 coronavirus patients are being hospitalized, 378 of which are connected to ventilators. In the last 24 hours, the number of confirmed infections has increased by 3,928, with 84 deaths. The victims ranged in age from 49 to 93, with most suffering from a chronic disease, with only 6 percent dying from coronavirus infection alone.

Cecília Müller emphasized: all of Europe is in a difficult situation, everyone should do everything possible to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

They have a particularly great responsibility to the operators of institutions, shops and restaurants in enforcing the rules. This is the case an extraordinary challenge for allIt takes patience, understanding and resignation on the part of young people to follow the rules, he stressed.

The number of people receiving treatment in the hospital is increasing, and many are wondering what to do. that can be taken to the hospital, so the medical director said: it is necessary personal documents, taj card, final report, findings, list of medications taken so far, related contact information, toiletries, personal items, preferably disposable plastic cutlery, contact telephone number and, if hospital rules allow, clothing.

Responding to a question, Cecília Müller said: Once the vaccine is ready, it will be given voluntarily and free of charge., given first to healthcare workers, the chronically ill and the elderly Then you.

The medical director also stated that 94,916 infected people have been identified in Hungary since the beginning of the epidemic, 3.3 percent of whom are healthcare workers, which is a favorable figure, much better than the European average of the 10-15 percent.
