Number of new infections Monday: 576


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

The new coronavirus infection was detected in 576 new Hungarians, writes

There have never been so many new infections per day, so many active cases, and so many tests.

However, the number of people in the hospital and the ventilator did not increase.

This increased the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 8,963. (However, Béla Merkely, the rector of SOTE, spoke yesterday that the real number could be many times higher, we can walk with hundreds of thousands of infected).

By county, the new infected persons registered are:

  • Budapest: 252
  • Pest County: 82
  • Hajdu-Bihar 35
  • Baranya: 25
  • Szabolcs-Sz.-B .: 23
  • Feb: 22
  • Győr-M.-S .: 19
  • Heves: 14
  • Tolna: 14
  • Hall: 14
  • Nógrád: 10
  • Somogy: 8
  • Bacs-Kiskun: 7
  • Veszprém: 7
  • Town: 6
  • Komárom: 5
  • Csongrád: 4
  • Jász-Nagykun: 4
  • Peaceful: 2

That is, new infections were found in all counties.

One chronic patient died, bringing the death toll to 625, and 3,961 have already been recovered.

The number of actively infected people is 4377 people.

According to official information, 43 percent of the actively infected, 59 percent of the dead and 42 percent of those recovered were in Budapest. 151 patients are cared for in a hospital, 11 of which are connected to a ventilator.

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