Now it turned out that a French teacher had been fired for the lies of a student.


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According to Le Parisien, the avalanche that led to last year’s terrorist murder that shocked the whole of France, namely the beheading of teacher Samuel Paty in October, was triggered by the lie of a Muslim student, which the newspaper reported to investigators. . Z. revealed that he was not even present in the classroom when Paty showed her students the Mohamed cartoons that had led to the murder of several employees of a satirical newspaper called Charlie Hebdo.

The story of Paty’s murder so far has sounded more or less like Z., a student at home, told his father that he had received a 2-day disqualification sentence from school for speaking outraged that Paty had insulted Mr. Mohamed in his class. The outraged father shared a video spanking the teacher for this on a social site. This video was stabbed by Abdoullakh Anzorov, a newly radicalized 18-year-old Chechen man to behead the teacher on the street a few days later.

According to le Parisien, in one of his interrogations, Z. confessed that he was not there at the time in question, he had only found out about it from others, and also admitted that he had lied to his father about the whole matter. He claims that because his twin sister is a good student, he in turn is bad and would not have dared to admit at home that he was punished for unexcused absences. Rather, he built a camouflage around the teacher’s class by insulting Mohamed, as part of which he even filed an official complaint at the school about the class he wasn’t even there in, as it was actually forbidden at the time.

In the case, Z.’s father, who targeted Samuel Paty, is accused of complicity in a terrorist murder.

(via Le Point)
