November was not a doctor at the Fvrosi maintenance home in Pest, the fnvrt was sent, caregivers were not consulted


There were 48 registered cases in Hungary, and by 2,775 the number of coronary heart diseases in Hungary had increased. Following Wednesday’s announcement by our Prime Minister Viktor Orbn, Gergely Gulys, the minister in charge of the minister, described the details of the process and the gradual resumption of the economy. A son of one of the victims spoke about the situation in Pest’s old home, saying that his father had died without any circumstances, without the help of a doctor or psychological comfort. koronavrussl. These were the most important news of the day in Cstrtki.

48 patients were registered at home.With this, the number of people infected was 2,775. The number of 12 elderly patients with chronic diseases died, and the number of domestic victims of coronary heart disease was 312. Data from the government information page also revealed that So far 581 people have been caught by surprise, 998 still need police, 54 of them are on fire.

The rules for the gradual resumption of the economy and the economy were described.Following Wednesday’s announcement by our Prime Minister Viktor Orbn, Gergely Gulys, the Chief Minister, presented the details of the relaunch. In the manager’s words, digital education will remain in place, parking will continue to be free, however events over 500 fnl cannot be held until August 15. According to official data, the smell is better in the field than on the mainland, where restrictions in Kriš are removed. Htftl will be required to evaluate incoming and outgoing patients, as well as nursing home staff. From now on, if someone announces the start of an activity, which is subject to a license, and the authority does not prohibit it for eight days, he is free to start practicing it from the ninth day. Beginning on 4, the government removes restrictions on magnesia. Zoltnn Kovcs, Secretary of State for Communications and Relations, said in the morning announcement of M1 that the changes announced by Viktor Orbn would be effective from scratch in the morning. “In the second stage of defense, it is justified to separate the rules for the most infected areas and for rural Hungary.” he said.

Ceclia Mller: It is a great success to be able to straighten the law.“Slightly freer regulations have been put in place, but it is important that we continue to follow the remaining measures. According to legal data, the national infection rate has not changed. Budapest and Pest County still have the highest number of infections,” they said. 62 people. The national chief physician of the Trzs Cheese Cstrtki operation. Ceclia Mller emphasized that the training of health workers (doctors, polk) is still in progress, which is important because almost a thousand people are being treated in a hospital. It also shows that it is possible to give gifts, candy and flowers in the near future, because the virus can only be present in objects for a short time. 1,900 women receive training as paramedics, and a total of 23,000 have requested training, including 1,000 doctors, she explained.Krhz commander Zsolt Halmosi said they had created the possibility of appointing an institutional commander in several houses with more than two employees. We will check that legal regulations and health stocks are met, he said.

Mr. Vus appeared at Mr. Fvrosi’s house.. Among the main nursing homes in the capital, not only in Pest, but also in the 11th district, Rzsa Street, Rupphegyi and Ktvlgyi ti, la yrvny. The largest center among the old houses is still Pest Ti, It is currently working and has 34 dead. In Rzsa utca there were 53 cared for and 20 workers, in Kamaraerdei ton 10 cared for and 3 worked, in Ktvlgyi ton s and Bnk Bn street 1-1 cared for, and in Rupphegyi ton 1 employed. 34 Pest dead, 14 Rzsa street dead, and 1 Ktvlgyi dead – we discovered this in response to the Koronavrus Cheese Center.

The son of one of the victims reads dramatic details about the situation at his home in Pest.Mrs. Krisztinarr told Ripost that there had been terrible conditions at the institution lately. According to him, his subject died in irrelevant circumstances, without a doctor and without spiritual comfort, and was probably the first victim of the coronary artery. From his words, it was extracted that his horrible drawings are drawn at home. On behalf of the government, Farkas rs, the heart of the Government Information Center, reacted to the dispute, contrasting statements by Gergely Karcsony two days ago. As is well known, the mayor of the House Committee said Tuesday that “everything was fine at home, even from a medical point of view.”

He began to deliver the masks and protectors to his horror.Zoltn Maruzsa, the Secretary of State responsible for education at the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi), noted that the transport riot will begin the first nine days after the exams and will continue to carry out transport operations. He explained that wearing a mask is mandatory in school corridors, community areas and not on the same number of papers, he strongly recommended.

At sunset, a lover pr enjoys a good time on the banks of the Danube.Fot: Csudai Sndor – Origo

The number of infected people continues to increase worldwide.Cstrtk at night reached 3,231,701 in the world, the number of coronary infections. The death toll was 229,447, and the death toll exceeded one million, according to a total from Johns Hopkins University. In some western central European countries, it is slowly becoming law.

In Italy, for the first time in a week, the death toll fell in a single day.In one day, the death toll increased by 285, reaching 27,967 per cstrtk. The number of active infections dropped by 3106 in one day, which is the highest number in history. The number of currently registered patients corresponds to 101,551, and the number of recovered patients exceeded 75,000.

The British plan to relaunch their economy. Britain passed the law on the new type of coronary artery, said the head of the British government, Boris Johnson. He said the government will come up with a plan for next week on how to get the farm back on track and how the children can return to school.

The death toll has decreased in Spain.In the Mediterranean country, 268 people have lost a new coronary infection in the last 24 hours. Vrus has been claimed by 24,543 people so far, 112,050 have been cured.

Jabb in Germany. It was agreed that various measures ordered to repeal the law be danced by the leaders of the federal government and the provincial governments. Religious institutions can once again receive heat, open museums and other slaughterhouses, open playgrounds, zoos, and botanical gardens. In Germany, 162,123 infections, 6,518 cases and 123,500 cases were reported.

The law is gaining ground in Belgium. Cstrtkn has registered 660 new infections in the past 24 days, suggesting that after a temporary slowdown, the disease will intensify in the country. The number of infected people exceeded 48,000. Almost 7,600 people have died of coronary heart disease, but experts say the number could be much higher. In the Netherlands, more than 514 people tested positive, an increase compared to Tuesday and Wednesday. The number of infected people registered in the country is expected to reach 40,000. The number of deaths from the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus was 84 cstrtkn, 60 less than on Wednesday.

In the Czech Republic, there were no audible coronary artery victims on Wednesday.In the morning, Cstrtk had claimed 227 hearing sacrifices, and the number of patients had increased to 3,120, representing more than 40 patients. To date, 7,581 infections have been reported in the Czech Republic.

In Romania, the number of active infections has decreased. For the first time, there was a more pronounced decrease in the number of active infections in daily reports. The rate of spread of the law was also approximately 20 bands lower than the last cold beat, however the number of daily meetings was also approximately 25 bands higher than the previous record. In Rome, 12,240 people have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease to date, and the law has claimed 695 lives.

The ban on leaving the country in Slovenia has been lifted. The Slovenian government lifted the eviction ban imposed on March 18 to stop the spread of coronary heart disease.

Croatia The 1,000-bed temporary building installed in the Arena Zgrb sports hall will be dismantled.

Restrictive measures are further eased from the point of view of to the Western Balkansn, for example, the cold ban is waived, but experts still recommend the use of masks and gloves.

Serbia and The number of confirmed infections increased from 8497 to 8724 in one day. Ukraine cstrtkn set a better record with 540 cases of coronary infections identified in one day, bringing the number to 10,406, and the number of deaths from the disease increased to 111 with 11 more hearing deaths.

Our Russian minister has become a coroner.Russian Minister Mikhail Misustin was infected with Covid-19. The government itself announced a positive result of the coronary artery test in a video conference with President Vladimir Putin, of whom the 24-hour Rosiaya channel was known. The 7.1-unit increase, which experts say shows only dynamic dynamics, is a better record in absolute terms. Of the infections registered from here, 39.9 rays are virus free. The number of deaths in Covid-19 increased from 101 to 1,073, and those who recovered from the disease increased from 1,333 to 11,619 in Russia. The number of known infections has increased to 30,739 in Moscow from 3,093 in the most populated area by law. The death toll increased from 65 to 611 in the fvros.
