Not yet published in the bulletin, the restriction regulation is already on the website of an auto parts store.


Ákos Hadházy He noted that the government’s stumbling blocks with regulating restrictions have taken it to another level. The legislation containing the detailed regulations has not yet been published in the Hungarian Gazette, but it is already on the website of an auto parts store, which justifies why they cannot open it.

The government even manages to confront Hungarians with how to announce austerity measures. While everyone awkwardly awaits the details of the adjustment in the Gazette, IT IS ALREADY APPEARING ON THE STORE WEBSITE. (It may have been that Orbán sent the text to the automakers – okay, gentlemen? – from where the draft was sent to the members. This way we can find out the details in a web shop rather than in the Gazette.

The independent representative writes on Facebook. Of course, it is not known if this is the final form of regulation.

The government even manages to confront Hungarians with how to announce austerity measures. While everyone …

Posted by Ákos Hadházy – Friday March 5, 2021


But at least they can’t rule

What we see now is beyond even the disgrace of November. The government collapsed under the weight of a task it could have prepared for.
