North Korean defector spreads news of Kim Jong Un’s death


But Jong Ho, who had previously escaped to South North Korea, claimed that Kim was unable to stand alone and walk properly. His statement drew strong social criticism because his allegations were unfounded.

Kim Jong Un did not appear in public for three weeks. Last week, however, the North Korean press reported that he had appeared publicly at the opening of a fertilizer factory. In recent weeks, there has been news of his death in the world for not attending his country’s biggest celebration this year, the parade on April 15, the anniversary of the birth of his grandfather, who founded the communist country.

The opposition, which recently received a parliamentary mandate, said Monday that it had received more reprimands in recent days, feeling the seriousness of its words. He explained that, as a Member, he felt a great responsibility for the impact of his statement. He also promised to be prudent and humble in his future office in the future.

The MP, another member of the opposition, also previously said he was 99 percent certain that Kim Jong Un was already dead:

The ruling Democratic Party of South Korea (DP) continued to criticize the two opposition statements, and some members of the DP demanded his departure from the Defense and Intelligence Committee for confidential information about North Korea.

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