No stop: a second Trump administration arrives, according to Pompeo


The transition to a second Trump administration will be peaceful, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters on Tuesday.

The head of US diplomacy stressed that the world’s leading politicians are aware that judicial processes are being carried out and that “it takes time” to carry them out. He added: “we will count all the votes,” the MTI quotes.

The minister called the transition to the second Trump administration “smooth”, although he later added that the ministry was prepared for any possibility.

Pompeo noted that “the world can rest assured that the US State Department can function fully and effectively.”

“The transition in Washington will be smooth,” he repeated.

William Barr, Justice Minister in the Trump administration, gave the green signal Monday night to prosecute alleged irregularities in the November 3 presidential election. Also on Monday, the justice ministers of ten member states wrote an amicus brief to the justices of the federal supreme court that acts as the Constitutional Court, urging them to formally put the status of the Pennsylvania elections on the agenda.

At the same time, they asked the Constitutional Court to suspend a decision made by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in September that allows them to accept letter-votes for three more days after last week’s Election Day.
