No one in the Chamber knew the law of the local government, a screaming 16-year-old student saved the Kecskemét General Assembly


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The shock caused by an opposition woman requesting a roll call vote on a motion was also videotaped at the Kecskemét General Assembly.

In such a case, the first step is to vote whether a roll call vote should be ordered. That is what happened. The idea of ​​a roll call vote obtained 2 abstentions, 6 in favor and 9 against, and the president announced that the motion had not received a majority, so it should be voted without problems. That also happened, the proposal was not approved and the meeting would have been resumed when there was an uproar in the room.

It soon became clear what the bibi was: a child sitting in the audience spoke to the representative of Szőkéné Kopping Rita DK, who asked for the floor which, in the case of a name motion, was enough for 25 percent of the deputies agree. Then the confusion intensified, the secretary reviewed the legislation, but the authorities did not even know which law to look at. Kristóf Kovács, 16, who is preparing for a legal career and is momentary at the time, then, violating the strict rules of procedure, shouted that the local government law must be revised and gave him the exact place of the law. As it turned out immediately, he was right, so the now presiding president ordered a roll call vote in accordance with the law, which otherwise ended the same as the previous round.

The chaos can be traced throughout this video:

According to, Kristóf Kovács reports on what happened

“He is going to get a lawyer, and while his classmates are having fun, he reads legislation, watches parliamentary broadcasts and has now been following the Kecskemét assembly on the spot.”

But there was another memorable moment in the meeting.

The original motion itself, which was voted twice in comic circumstances, was presented by MP Alexandra Bodrozsán and aimed at greater transparency in the work of the municipality. You don’t have to think of something huge, but something that could be called a foundation. Under Bodrozsán’s motion, the normally searchable general meeting minutes would have been uploaded instead of the now scanned photos. Respectively, the asset declarations, which are currently only available for personal viewing, would have been made public, as it is currently done on a voluntary basis, so only DK and Momentum representatives have posted them on the city’s website. .

This motion upset Mayor Klaudia Szemerey Pataki so much that she did a very fun seconds run against transparency and publicity below:

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see
