No matter who wins the US presidential election, Putin is in big trouble


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Only 6 days left until the US Presidential Election! Follow us at the event – you can find our latest news by clicking here. On the night of November 3, we will transmit minute by minute the most important news of the election in our article!

Trump didn’t live up to Russian hopes

After Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, the Obama administration imposed significant sanctions on the country. He also imposed three rounds of sanctions on Russians: he froze the assets of Russian politicians and businessmen, banned their travels, and then imposed a transaction ban on large Russian state-owned companies such as Rosnyef or Novatek. The European Union following the US has taken even tougher measures: the international community has completely banned the trade of certain products with the Russians, to which Russia has responded with a food embargo.

During his 2016 election campaign, Trump vowed to improve America’s relations with Russia.Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s first national security adviser behind closed doors, also reportedly promised the Russian ambassador that if Trump came to power, all sanctions against Russia would be lifted. Thus, support for Trump among the Russian population was significant around 2016, and during the elections, Russian military intelligence, the GRU, also intervened with hacking operations to aid the Trump campaign. President Putin admitted in 2018 that he really wanted Trump to win, but Russia to this day denies interfering in the elections.

Overall, however, the Trump presidency has disappointed Russians. The United States not only eased but even strengthened the pressure of sanctions on Russia during the Trump administration.

This was done largely through the mediation of Congress., which banned a vote in 2017 to allow the president to lift any sanction without congressional approval, then punished dozens of Russian companies, diplomats and businessmen in the United States in subsequent years. Trump did not appear to resist much pressure from Congress and, in fact, after poisoning Sergei Skripal, put more Russian entities on the sanctions list by presidential decree.

By the third year of TRUmp’s presidency, most of the major defense companies, shipyards, aerospace companies, aircraft manufacturers, arms factories and even some Russian energy companies and banks were on the sanctions list,

Furthermore, even international financial institutions have been prohibited from buying Russian bonds or lending to Russia. Additionally, during the Trump administration, the United States also initiated most of the existing nuclear arms control agreements with Russia.

Due to increasing international pressure, Russia entered a serious economic crisis between 2014 and 2017, from which it was still unable to fully recover.

The Russians had already supported Trump

Trump was a huge disappointment to Russians, with a recent poll showing that only 23% of the Russian population have a positive opinion of him, while 43% have condemned the reigning president. According to another survey the Russians the majority no longer care at all about the outcome of the US presidential election. They see that no matter who the president becomes, his relationship with the United States will not improve.

President Putin is also sending mixed signals: In recent days, for example, he defended the business of Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, in a television interview against criticism from President Donald Trump.

Until now, there has not even been such spectacular Russian interference in electoral manipulation.than was seen in 2016. So far, only Iranian hackers who have tried to harass Democrats and Republicans to destabilize America have failed:

If Donald Trump wins on November 3, Russian-American relations are not expected to improve significantly; if even a Republican politician fought for this in his second term, Congress would likely tie his hand, as it has done so far.

Now, it is precisely because of the poisoning of the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny that a package of US sanctions is being prepared in the Senate; Given that both sides fully support the measure, there is a good chance that Russia will definitely receive sanctions around its neck, regardless of who will be president from 2021.

Biden will probably be even tougher

Joe Biden’s presidency could be worse for the Putin regime and for Russia as a whole in that

While President Shump shrugged and let Congress regulate Russia, Joe Biden would personally take steps to increase the pressure.

Even as vice president of the Obama administration, Joe Biden has clashed with Russia countless times, long before the 2014 Ukrainian crisis. As early as 2009, he said that Russia’s economy was dying due to his wrong political decision and that the country he would “ lean towards the United States ”, in 2011 he openly opposed Putin’s reelection, and even said in a trial that he put him in Putin’s eyes. “It has no soul.”

After the Crimean crisis, Biden coordinated US action to help Ukraine and put it for the aggression of Russia

you will pay for it with blood and money.

At the same time, Biden lobbied the United States to sell arms to Ukraine and lobbied the Ukrainian government to end the political and economic corruption that has permeated the country in order to get more aid from countries around the world.

His son, Hunter Biden, also served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company:

Joe biden it is not hidden under the 2020 campaign of that As the president plans to crack down on Russia, Trump believes he has repeatedly said that Putin’s puppet or pup deliberately treated the Putin regime with a gloved hand.

In a speech these days, JOE BIDEN called Russia the greatest security threat lurking in the United States.

Some analysts believe that Biden taking measures so harsh against Russia that it will make diplomacy between the United States and the Putin government impossible;, and even President Obama did not try to do so. It is not yet clear exactly what this will look like, but Putin can expect more sanctions under his breath if Joe Biden takes office.

Russia really doesn’t know what to do other than tolerate sanctions, the country’s economic strength has decreased quite a bit in recent years, Russia’s GDP is only the 11th largest in the world. Adjusted for expected parity, only the sixth largest is the Russian economy, despite being the largest country on Earth.

Biden Furthermore, it is likely to halt the economic growth of the United States by its European allies. can bring the countries of the region closer to Russia, both militarily and economically. Biden vowed to make a conscious effort to rebuild the federal systems cut down by Trump. For the moment, however, the question is whether President Trump will continue to push NATO to reach the 2% of GDP in defense spending expected by NATO, or whether the mindset in the 1990s and early 1990s 2000 rescues any NATO member country in trouble.

It’s conceivable that Joe Biden slashes America’s defense budget a bit anyway, having repeatedly criticized Trump for spending too much on weapons under his control, but he’s unlikely to cut that amount so much as to give Russia a break. substantial advantage. Russia is dwarfed by the US defense budget.

The only point at which Biden may be willing to commit to Russia is the New START Convention on Nuclear Weapons, signed in 2010 thanks to the Obama administration and which will run through 2021. A Biden administration is expected to try to save the deal on despite the tough action with Russia. It is a question of how much the Russian government would be happy to negotiate with a threatening and aggressive Biden.
