No head of state can escape: his test has been positive


Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei said his coronavirus test was positive. He told a local radio show that he was feeling fine despite the infection. The 64-year-old head suffers from multiple sclerosis and walks with a cane.

By the way, on the day of its announcement, the country reopened its borders, which had been closed for six months to slow the spread of the epidemic, and is accepting international flights again, he writes 168 hours after the MTI.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Health, foreigners arriving in the country must present a negative PCR test no longer than three days. Returning Guatemalan children and children under the age of ten are not subject to this restriction.

It is mandatory for those who enter or leave the country to wear a mask.

Guatemala closed its border with Mexico, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador on March 16.
