NMHH removed the Klubrádió frequency on the grounds that they had slipped a bit with the data


We recently wrote that, according to the Media Council of the National Media and Communications Authority, Club Radio has violated the Media Law several times during its expiration of the media service right, and has therefore applied various legal sanctions against the media service provider. For this reason, it was decided not to extend the right of the radio, which expires on February 14, 2021, the request of the radio does not comply with the extension, but to issue a tender for the community radio frequency Budapest FM 92.9 MHz.

The Media1 now writes that the NMHH has told them what these violations were. A repeated specific violation that justified the withdrawal of the Club Radio frequency was that, between September 26 and December 31, 2016, the social media provider violated the obligation to report monthly program fees by committing an omission minor in the drafting of the authority’s decision.

According to the newspaper, it is worth knowing that the authorities are obliged to provide various data, when they played what kind of music, to determine whether the radio in question played Hungarian music in sufficient proportion and when it broadcast what kind of program.
