Ninety percent of those who work at St. Imre Hospital have signed a contract for a new legal relationship


At Szent Imre University Hospital, 90 percent of doctors and specialists have signed a contract on the new legal relationship, Bedros J. Róbert told Origó. The director general of the institution, the prime minister’s main adviser, thanked his staff that the country can count on them and that with their dedicated work they can save many lives. “Colleagues who fought heroically for human lives in the first two waves of the epidemic continue to fight because they are aware of the gravity of the situation and the responsibilities of health workers. They know that they are not alone in this fight, because they have all the necessary tools and protective equipment, “emphasized the Director General. The number of people infected by COVID is also increasing at the Teaching Hospital of the University of St. Imre, but has There have been no changes in the composition of the age group and the course.

The deadline to conclude new health care contracts is midnight on March 1. How many people signed the papers at St. Imre Hospital? How about a Facebook post posted by outgoing employees in one of the departments to “turn off the lights”?

The fact that 90 percent of the St. Imre University Hospital staff have already “turned the electricity back on” because 90 percent of the doctors and professionals continue to work. There have been no massive layoffs, as we have created the conditions for our colleagues. who work here at St. Imre Hospital In accordance with regulations, we have modified the work assignment system so that no one’s earnings are reduced. More may be, but less either way! In fact, like other health care institutions, St Imre Hospital has almost only In relation to the new legal relationship, only the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care had a higher attrition rate, with 4 doctors and two residents leaving, and 17 of the 54 colleagues working in the nursing field decided to leave. In the period before the contracts were signed, we have done it with colleagues and we have been able to reach an agreement that clearly benefits both parties.

Bedros J. Róbert, General Director of St. Imre Hospital, Senior Advisor to the Prime MinisterSource: Copyright / Moricz Sabjan Simon

The exits go together to another job?

We know that, after receiving their severance pay, retirees continue to work mostly in private health care or another public institution, and some of them become retirees. Uninterrupted supply is ensured by internal transfers. The intensive care unit has been taken over by the former deputy chief physician and the professional nursing management has been carried out by the former deputy chief of nursing. Vacancies are constantly being filled.

Has no other department presented such a situation to the hospital management?

Another department required significantly less human resource reorganization. The field of vascular surgery has operated and continues to operate under the professional supervision of surgery, and the staff leaving the vascular surgery department is replaced by fellow surgeons who also have a specialized examination in vascular surgery, so the operation of the department is not professionally affected. .

At St. Imre Hospital, the doctor’s protective clothing is disinfected after leaving the isolated ward of the coronavirus Maybe Csaba

So isn’t patient care compromised by outings?

That’s right, we can handle the situation in a reassuring way. Colleagues who fought heroically for human lives in the first two waves of the epidemic continue to fight because they are aware of the gravity of the situation and the responsibilities of health workers. They know that they are not alone in this fight because they have all the necessary tools and protective equipment. Once again, on behalf of the hospital staff and patients, thank you that the country can count on them and with their dedicated work we can save many lives!

As for the epidemic situation: the number of patients is increasing, the third wave is stronger than the first two. What is the workload in the St. Imre Hospital COVID department? Can they receive patients, is there enough space?

Unfortunately, the number of infected people is increasing a lot, we work with a significant workload, but depending on our capacity, we can receive more patients. The occupancy rate for beds reserved for suspected COVID patients and positive patients requiring ventilation is 40.4 percent, and in the non-ventilated COVID-positive class 91.6 percent.

A patient suspected of having Covid is being treated at St. Imre Hospitalphoto: Maybe Csaba

Is it necessary to extend the Covid class, and if so, how will it be fixed?

So far there has been no need to expand the COVID class. If necessary, we can solve the offer with internal redeployments.

According to the news, the youngest age group is already affected by hospital treatment – do you see this, and if so, at what age has the number of patients increased?

So far we have not observed such a trend, and we have not yet experienced any age difference with the increase in the number of infected patients.

Has the course of the disease changed with the appearance of the viral mutant? Is it perceived that the infected can get worse in some cases?

No significant differences were observed compared to the first two waves.

This is how doctors and nurses at St. Imre Hospital dress before entering the ward for isolated patients with coronavirusphoto: Maybe Csaba

Are there enough ventilators and other equipment for healing and protection in the hospital?

Yes, since the beginning of the first wave of the epidemic, all the necessary protective tools and equipment have been continuously provided. We have 70 ventilators and 28 ventilators, as well as all the medical and nursing equipment necessary for care.

It is not possible to draw enough attention to the importance of vaccination. The vaccines licensed in Hungary also provide protection against mutants, at least not that a person is not hospitalized if they contract the virus?

It is very important to emphasize again and again that vaccines licensed in Hungary are safe and effective, all available vaccines elicit the correct immune response and provide adequate protection. This means that even if someone does become infected, they are very likely to survive the disease with milder symptoms and not be hospitalized.

How do you see how long the rising phase of the third wave could last, along with people getting vaccinated continuously and major vaccine shipments in the coming weeks?

Much depends on the degree of vaccination of the population, we are sure that people will be vaccinated as many as possible. It is important to strengthen confidence in vaccines, as the use of large numbers of Russian and Chinese in the next period, as well as additional vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, can significantly increase vaccination coverage. If all goes well, the third wave may fall after Easter after a plateau of two to three weeks. Of course, it is also essential that you do not relax with the well-known rules: wear a mask, keep your distance. I know a lot of people are tired, but the more disciplined we are now, the sooner we can ease austerity.
