New paths can be opened before Libra – Metropol


November 18th.

III. 21.–IV. twenty.
It would be time to leave your own selfish thoughts and desires behind. Start paying attention to others, take care of them and you will see: almost everything blooms around you. This will make you and your environment happier.

IV. 21.–V. twenty.
You can’t really pretend to have a relaxed atmosphere at home, but you also know that these are temporary issues that need to be resolved. The stars will help you with every restart, start, but the condition for that is that you forget about your reckless and aggressive behavior.

V. 21.–VI. twenty-one.
If someone were to ask you now what their personal life was like, the answer could be excellent! With his beloved, things returned to normal. He is full of energy, although for some Geminis it is mixed with some anxiety and insomnia.

SAW. 22. VII. 22.
It feels so much better to give in to your emotions and say what pressed your soul. However, you also need to understand that even the most important human relationships are constantly changing and evolving.

YOU COME. 23. VIII. 2. 3.
He’s finally starting to get along with one of his colleagues who he hasn’t been able to count on until now. This will be a great opportunity to work together and come up with new ideas. Keep in mind that you can only achieve success in your life if you are willing to cooperate.

VIII. 24.–IX. 2. 3.
Be careful what you ask of fate, because your wishes are constantly being fulfilled these days. Let yourself be loved by your loved ones, do not always try to look for a problem, nobody likes that. Come to life more easily!

IX. 24.–X. 2. 3.
Today, you are finally doing what you have wanted for a long time. Nothing and no one is stopping you from doing this, so enjoy this wonderful period! A prospective employer will notice your resume, so new paths may open up for you.

X. 24.–XI. 22.
Something is happening in your life that you also feel is much more than it seems. So dig deep, look closely, don’t settle for blanket answers.

XI. 23. – XII. twenty-one.
Justice has always been important to you, so you will improve someone’s life with a little attention. This man needed this. However, think carefully about what you are cutting, although it promises more money, it may not be the right direction.

XII. 22.–I. twenty.
The desire to achieve new goals awakens in you and your zeal suppresses even the slightest sense of doubt. Be careful not to offend the worldview of others and question your abilities. Don’t forget your loved ones.

I. 21.–II. 19.
Today, you feel like you want to be alone. It escapes from reality, hides and closes itself. Of course, everyone has the right to do so, because sometimes the time will come when we will have to get to know ourselves again. You hurt someone with your behavior.

II. 20. – III. twenty.
The stars encourage you to use your personal ambitions to support and help others. It’s understandable that you finally want to benefit from the work you’ve put in so far, but true success will be when you see that you bring joy to others.

November 19th.

III. 21.–IV. twenty.
If you pay close attention, you will soon realize why it happened the way it did. Listen to everyone who wants to talk about the case, but what you hear should be cut in half and the truth will probably be somewhere in the middle.

IV. 21.–V. twenty.
You constantly dream of traveling abroad, but this is unattainable for most people in the current situation. Be patient, the time will come for everything, but now focus on your own health and the health of others.

V. 21.–VI. twenty-one.
You are almost flooded with energy, full of better and better ideas, so it is time to present them to people who can appreciate them and even discover your talent. You will need a lot of patience in your love life now.

SAW. 22. VII. 22.
Slowly but surely, you will realize what may have ruined your relationship, and this will help you restart the stalled dialogue. Openly ask any questions you want answered. Although it will be unpleasant, but you can learn from it.

YOU COME. 23. VIII. 2. 3.
You will find the strength within yourself to overcome the obstacles that you have created in your relationship with your loved one. Get out of your comfort zone, find new fun together, and you can start the beginning of a better future.

VIII. 24.–IX. 2. 3.
It is true that you love the predictable, even almost organized, steps in your love life, but you have to accept that not everyone believes in this. Try to get a little out of your skin and come up with unexpected and adventurous ideas.

IX. 24.–X. 2. 3.
It can leave behind many of the burdens and obstacles of the past, giving you a tremendous sense of freedom. Look no further. If you do, your partner will understand it too and will give your relationship a big boost. You will find a balance between work and private life.

X. 24.–XI. 22.
It pulls your heart and mind in an unknown direction, but the stars do not indicate danger. Be brave and look at the options on offer. His determination and positive attitude towards life makes him attractive in the eyes of his partner, who almost clings to his words.

XI. 23. – XII. twenty-one.
You should be able to decide what you want, but don’t think too much. Improvise! It cannot go in the wrong direction. Whether you go to work or relax these days, you will be happy to do it all.

XII. 22.–I. twenty.
You will have a new kind of experience these days, but you will be happy to have it. Once you are done with the job, you will see that your efforts made sense. Your life feels better and better, you just have to be persistent.

I. 21.–II. 19.
Your love life with your partner is becoming more and more interesting and harmonious, so focus on that! Work and social life can wait, now it’s more important. Continue your workouts persistently, maintaining your body is extremely important.

II. 20. – III. twenty.
You think a lot about how you could improve your life, but what is happening today makes you optimistic. The many small steps you have taken so far for yourself and your family are paying off. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of your food!
