New index leader: more right-wing journalists in the index now than before


András Sztankóczy, Index’s chief strategic officer was invited on Monday night on Spirit Fm. Sztankóczy came from the Response Line to the Index Board in July, but is now the Index’s senior editor and chief strategic officer as a result of the summer wave of layoffs.

Hiring is easier than three weeks, but it’s not the easiest HR job in the world.

Sztankóczy said of the current challenges. Added:

There are more right-wing journalists in the Index now than ever before. It’s always a problem for me with a sheet if all your staff think the same about a problem. The various publishers have left. If there is a challenge, the Index can be based on whether people with different worldviews can work with each other.

Gergely Ákos Balogh András Sztankóczy said about the new deputy editor-in-chief, who had previously operated, but was also a candidate for Fidesz municipal representative:

He was running various websites at the time. It was a company that also worked for the youth organization SZDSZ. But yes, Ákos left the Fidesz area (…) but today he can no longer be considered a person close to politics.


He is not a liberal leftist journalist, but Mandiner was not propaganda. Ákos Balogh does not confuse the roles, he knows that he is now a journalist.

He is stressed:

We were not invited here to decide his political direction, he has a lot of organizational experience.

Regarding the previous editorial, Sztankóczy said that although “I loved and really recognized the old Index”, “it was not effective”.

The organization itself was incredibly wasteful.

The main concern, he said, was that the structure could not be touched “because all kinds of external suggestions were considered an attack.” It was a “constant problem: that everything the publisher asked for was always taken as an attack on press freedom.”

On the other hand, it seems that this feature that Sztankóczy considered a problem has now disappeared. The new editor-in-chief also said a drastic drop in literacy “cannot be reported.” He added that now we are more than 40 people, “by the end of October, the staff will be complete, with 60 people.” András Sztankóczy said of himself that he was not a NER. “I have been a journalist for a quarter of a century.” He recalled that “the first two weeks were horrible. (…) I tried to save as much of the Index as possible. “At the beginning of the conversation, he also said that he didn’t think” this is going to be it. “

(After Sztankóczy, he’s a guest on the show Márton Kárpáti, Property of the company that published Telex).

In the highlighted image on the left András Sztankóczy, on the right Pál Szombathy. Photo: Márton Mohos /
