Népszava: Sputynik V


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Hungarian authorities have not yet started a clinical trial of the Russian vaccine, the license was issued on the basis of Russian documentation, writes Népszava. The 6,000 doses of ampoules of Szputynik V delivered at the end of December are in the freezer, although the Ministry of Human Resources, headed by Miklós Kásler, has previously reported that

“A shipment of Russian vaccines will be administered to 3,000 volunteers for the first time. If they show no serious side effects during this trial, the Hungarian authorities may allow widespread use of the drug.”

The tests were eventually delayed, according to the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health due to the arrival of “more advanced, interim, phase III results from the Russian clinical phase III in tens of thousands of populations, and the data received supported the positive Institute evaluation. “There was no longer justification for not informing the public about this for weeks. Nepszava knows that six thousand doses of the vaccine will soon be used in the vaccination program.

