Népszava: Orbán wrote a letter to Weber in which he could prepare the withdrawal of Fidesz from the European People’s Party


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Népszava writes based on the letter she has received that Viktor Orbán has proposed to the faction leader Manfred Weber to loosen the relationship between Fidesz and the European People’s Party (EPP). In his letter, the Hungarian Prime Minister proposed a new type of cooperation between Fidesz MEPs and the EPP faction.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (b) received Manfred Webert, leader of the European People’s Party faction, on March 12, 2019, at the Carmelite Monastery in Budapest.Photo: Prime Minister’s Press Office / Balázs Szecsõdi / MTI / MTVA

According to Népszava, in the letter, Orbán maintains that to avoid differences of opinion and interests, as well as communication problems, relations between the Fidesz people and the Popular Party must relax in the future. According to the Hungarian prime minister, this would be a solution to the problem that as long as Fidesz was suspended in the party family, its members could still remain in the faction.

That is why Orbán proposes a cooperation solution like the one from 1999 to 2009 between MEPs from the EPP and the British Conservative Party. The British then joined the Popular Party faction as an external ally and formed a separate group. As People’s Word writes, the political group was called the Group of the European People’s Party and European Democrats (EPP-ED).

However, for such a construction to take place, Fidesz would have to leave the Popular Party and then submit a new application for membership and accept the democratic values ​​and rule of law standards professed by the EPP. According to EU sources informing the newspaper, Orbán may therefore covertly prepare to leave the PPE in a letter.

The relationship between the European conservative faction and Fidesz has been quite cold for a long time, the membership of the Hungarian MPs was suspended in March last year and, according to Weber, no decision has been made to exclude the Hungarian party just because of the epidemic . The threat of a Hungarian-Polish veto didn’t help the relationship much either, European People’s Party Chairman Donald Tusk recently announced that Fidesz did not fit into his party’s family.

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