Népszava: Fans at Zalaegerszeg hospital have failed several times


Ventilators at St. Raphael Hospital in Zala County have failed multiple times. Népszava has been informed of this by various sources. The newspaper contacted the St. Rafael Zala Hospital in Zala County, but the institution only responded that, according to current procedure, the operating tribe would provide information on the issue raised. On November 17, Népszava wrote to the government information center and operational staff, but did not receive a response for ten days. As the hospital is required by law to report unforeseen events related to medical devices to the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health (OGYÉI), the newspaper also contacted this organization, but no response was received until Thursday night. .

The newspaper was also confirmed by two hospital employees that something is wrong with some of the machines used in the intensive care unit in Zalaegerszeg. They didn’t know how many devices in total might have failed, and if these failures posed a hazard, they posed a risk to their patients’ care.

Népszava contacted the Chinese company that makes the allegedly defective Crius V6 Northern fans. Commercial Director of Northern Meditec Ltd., based in Shenzhen, Leo Lee He told the newspaper that a significant number of fans had been sold through a Hungarian company, but did not reveal which company his Hungarian partner was, citing trade secrets, and when, how much and for how much he bought a Crius V6 Northern fan. Regarding the failure of the machines, he said:

Due to Covid-19, it is not easy to determine the real problem with what happened to our fans, it could be due to the fan, it could be due to the incorrect operation of the fan. We only get incomplete feedback from our vendor and the hospital. But no need to worry, as a manufacturing company we are dealing with the problem with our Hungarian partner and working on a solution.

Featured image: György Varga / MTI
