Navalny poisoning symptoms are relieved –


Alexei Navalny is in a stable state and his toxic symptoms are subsiding, doctors treating the Russian opposition leader in Berlin said on Friday, according to the MTI.

According to a statement from the Charité University Clinic, doctors have discovered that Alexei Navalny is alleviating a so-called cholinergic crisis caused by the inhibition of an enzyme called cholinesterase.

The patient is not life-threatening, but his condition remains serious and he is still receiving intensive care unit care. They are kept in an artificial coma and artificially ventilated. It still cannot be ruled out that a “serious poisoning” has lasting effects, according to the statement.

Alexei Navalny is one of the best-known critics of the Russian head of state, Vladimir Putin. On August 20, he negotiated with opponents in Siberia and fell ill on the plane back to Moscow. The plane made an emergency landing in Omsk, and the 44-year-old politician was taken to a hospital there. His family members and staff suspect he was poisoned, but Russian doctors have strongly denied it.

The comatose politician was transferred to Berlin on August 22, organized by a private foundation called Cinema for Peace, with the consent of Russian doctors. His treatment began at the Charité University Clinic. On August 24, his doctors said the first test results indicated poisoning.

Based on clinical results, Alexei Navalny may have been poisoned with an agent that lowers cholinesterase, one of the most important enzymes in the human body. These substances are used, for example, in pesticides, but one of the most famous fighting neurotoxins, sarin, also has an inhibitory effect on cholinesterase.

Several prominent politicians, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, have urged that Moscow leaders carry out a thorough investigation into the matter. The Kremlin, however, doubts that a toxic attack took place and does not consider a criminal investigation justified.
