Navalny opposition activists were attacked with a stinky liquid


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Opposition activists linked to Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny were attacked with an unknown smelly liquid in Novosibirsk on Tuesday, and at least three people were hospitalized.

According to Olga Guseva, director of the Navalny team’s local program, two men in tracksuits and masks rushed into the opposition Novosibirsk Coalition 2020 office, which is also the local headquarters of the Navalny team.

“One of them was holding the door while the other was throwing a bottle filled with yellow liquid that had a pungent chemical smell,” Guseva told CNN.

What happened was recorded by security cameras. At the time of the attack, some 50 people were in the office, including employees who had attended an election observation course.

According to Guseva, due to the unbearable smell, everyone had to leave the building. She said people started coughing and three volunteers had to be taken to the hospital because they were sick: dizziness and spasms, or shortness of breath. (MTI)

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