National disaster is leaving the EU


Brexit is a national disaster in which British society receives much worse conditions than before in exchange for the restoration of the full sovereignty of the United Kingdom. Nostalgia for national greatness defeated common sense, for which the inhabitants of the island nation pay a high price.

Finally, this moment has also come: Brexit will also take place de facto on January 1, 2021. Since the 2016 independence referendum, in which the majority of Britons decided to leave the EU, British society has been divided into obnoxiously, politicians are shaking their fists at each other and the EU, the island country’s international relations with its allies have deteriorated, Great Britain and Northern Ireland have deteriorated is about to break, most Scots want to resign to the British Union of 300 years. In exchange for all this, what do people get? – asks Philip Stephens, publicist for the Financial Times (FT).

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the other Brexiters do not repeat the British reward: they regain full sovereignty of their country. The only difference between a divorce with or without a trade agreement with the EU is that the economic damage will be greater or less, but it does not really matter. Johnson said at the time: Damn the deal, Brexit is about the UK regaining control of its borders, finances and legislation.

A test on his head

Brexiters are right that there is not much difference between a weak deal and no deal. Still, 50,000 or more customs officers must be hired, whose presentation enters the hitherto unmanaged trade. The negotiations with the EU were the first free trade negotiations in the history of the world, which did not refer to the reduction of borders, to tariffs, but to their construction.

British citizens will lose the right to use the EU corridors to cross borders without bones. Employees in the service sector will lose the automatic recognition of their qualifications in the countries of the continent. Independent experts agree that the island nation’s economy must catch up with weaker growth, people with a poorer standard of living. Young people are left out of educational exchanges in the EU. The government cannot expect a smooth exchange of intelligence information. In return, the British will receive a new passport, which will pass through airport control more slowly than before.

nothing sounds to hold it tight

It’s a tragic mistake for Brexiters to mistake influence for sovereignty, according to an FT publicist. The latter sounds tempting, but in a world where the security and economic prosperity of all countries are highly interdependent, secession does not mean increased influence. During the referendum, Brexit supporters were often asked when the EU made a decision that went directly to the will of the British government because it restricted the freedom of the country, in addition to economic rules that also benefited British companies. There has never been an answer to these questions.

Brexiters still offer nothing to today’s society. Promised trade agreements with other countries can be concluded essentially on the same terms that the EU has entered into with these states. The deviation of environmental, safety and labor regulations from EU regulations does not make sense because companies that want to trade with the continent will not give up. British fishermen may be expropriating the island nation’s territorial waters, but what they have caught should sell much of it in Europe. If the refugees arrived by boats, the French would have to receive them for their return.

According to the author of an FT article, Brexit is a national tragedy based on a terrible mistake and an illusion. The UK has regained its sovereignty, but this does not increase but rather reduces its influence in shaping its own destiny. Instead of real benefits, British society receives only nostalgia for the glorious past, an illusion in exchange for its independence.
