Nancy Pelosi entered a hairdresser and did not have a mask, the scandal broke


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Democratic President Nancy Pelosi was embroiled in a hairstyling scandal.

Pelosi, currently the highest-ranking (and perhaps most routine) Democratic politician in the United States, has entered a barber shop in San Francisco. Under the city’s coronavirus rules, it couldn’t have done that – such stores could only serve outdoors. There is also a video of the case, and according to that, there was no Pelosin mask at the time.

The politician is also particularly uncomfortable as he regularly and harshly criticizes Donald Trump for not wearing a mask and warns Republicans to “listen to the science.” And in California, thousands of stores have already had to close due to the coronavirus and regulatory restrictions.

The video (taken by the store’s security camera) was released by Fox News and also turned into a major political disgrace. A spokesperson for Pelosi said she had been offered entry through the store and told they were allowed to receive one person at a time. Pelosi, according to her spokesperson, followed the rules she was told there.

Salon owner Erica Kious told Fox News that she was turning the business over to a stylist who had been notified that Pelosi’s assistant had called to use the service. Kious said, “it felt like a punch to the face”, that Pelosi felt like she could only get in while no one else could.

The housekeeper already talks about being hit directly. I take responsibility for falling for a scam, Pelosi told CNN. Republicans consider the politician a hypocrite, and Trump said he will now get his after educating everyone else. (BBC, CNN)

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