Musk threatens to take Tesla headquarters from California


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Tesla leader Elon Musk has sued California county authorities for failing to reopen his electric car factory due to restrictions. It also threatened to move the company’s headquarters from California to Texas or Nevada, writes The Guardian.

Musk has been waging a very fierce battle for days to lift the restrictions placed on the coronavirus, he writes, the Alameda County Health Authority is already facing the state’s recommendations when it does not allow the reopening.

Based on the current position, the restrictions may remain in place in Almeda until the end of May, only companies with the most important activities can reopen. The only Tesla plant in the United States currently operates in Fremont, San Francisco Bay.

The county said Saturday that they would work with Tesla to develop a plan that would allow the reopening at the same time, but would also ensure the safety of thousands of employees.

Fremont Mayor Lily Mei has also expressed concern these days about current bans that could have serious economic consequences for the city.

Tesla produces 415,000 cars a year at the Fremont plant, and if total production were removed, it would be a serious cut for the local economy, but also for Tesla, since such relocation of capacity could only take 12 to 18 months.

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