Mr 2019 may have been a patient with coronary artery disease in France, much earlier than previously thought


According to the French public service hrtelevzi, the coronary artery did not appear in France in January 2020, but earlier. It is certain that at least one of those patients was found at the end of December, since the test examined more than a few months later showed a positive result. Le Parisien says he was already infected in mid-November, according to France 24, presumably in early November. ppen Wuhanbl arrived at the home of the French military soldier, soldier-vilgjtkokr. A world champion competitor spoke on a regional television station in March that the virus had seen all signs of magnitude in November. You can’t see that recording. President Macron also acknowledged that they had many problems with the first steps. Now it is also becoming clear that the French sanista has also made a serious mistake regarding the first patients.

Since Kna, from which coronary heart disease started, officially identified the first patient in November 2019, France placed the first French disease (“patient # zero”) in January for a long time. However, studies and testimonies show that the disease in France in 2019 started according to France 24 French hrtelevzi.

This invisible disease has certainly avoided the radars of health diagnoses. So far, the coronary virus has killed more than 26,000 people in France, and the mysteries are always spreading in France. In addition to Italy, Spain and Belgium, France defended the worst before the law. Drmaian has many deaths from this.

A safe distance warning sign is maintained at Nice Airport Terminal 2.Source: MTI / EPA / Sebastien Nogier

Until the last week, we knew that Patient Zero was identified in Oise County in the second week of January. As for the notification of the Medical Service (French Medical Service, DGS), the first cases will be finalized.

But then, Yves Cohen and Jean Verdier de Bondy, leading teachers of re-Christian classes at the “BFM” hrtelevzi on May 3, announced that they thought the first positive coronary artery patient could be diagnosed on December 27, 2019 in one of the cousins. At the same time, the patient’s PCR test was negative, according to one hrtelevzi, only the second test was positive, and resulted in prilis, and according to Professor Yves Cohen, there was only one test, and the analysis was performed in prilis. The test was analyzed as the patient became inflamed, and no environmental contact investigation was performed, and the doctors did not remove the patient because they were not believed to be infected with a coronary virus.

An infected patient is transported to France.Source: AFP / Pascal Guyot

“We looked at all the negative test results for patients with inflammation on December 2 and found that the first positive case of coronary heart disease could occur on December 27,” said Professor Yves Cohen, who was contacted by France 24. At Bobigny (one of the Awards, belonging to the so-called “red sun”, a communist tradition, in recent votes a highly migratory htter is red), did not know that he was infected with a coronary virus. “I went to the billing center, to the market, took the kids to school, organized family events at home, and yes, I may have infected others,” the former patient said later in a “France Bleu Paris” ad.

Before the French patient on December 27, there may have been a patient greater than one mg: the wife

But perhaps the patient identified on December 27 was not the first coronary patient in France. According to Professor Yves Cohen, head of the development department, “all we know is that the wife of the affected person showed mild symptoms before his illness became ill, and then the young man became ill and transmitted the virus to his children” . According to Professor Yves Cohen, two possible hypotheses are worthwhile: “The wife may have come into contact with infected people who work at the fish counter or at the airport, since she was still infected, since she was still infected at work or at the registration center. I was close to the Roissy-Charles-de Gaulle airport and regularly visited the market. “

Yves Cohen’s findings suggest that the first official cases of coronary heart disease were in France, before scientific science confirmed its appearance. But how could it be almost four months before the test results were seen? After all, on December 27, French doctors already knew what this virus was, they also tested us: almost two months after the discovery of the first patient. How come they didn’t do any contact research if the mere suspicion was that they had patient zero?

Was there a coronavirus patient in Colmar in November too?

In contrast, mg cannot always be 100% sure who was the first French patient infected with a coronary virus. After all, you probably have to go back in time. “There are more, for example, the Garches or Piti-Salpêtrière, or another Eastern Prize, who are now doing the same research work that we have done,” says Professor Yves Cohen. Krds, of course, how did he die just now?

He wears a mask at the Prize.Source: AFP / Philippe Lopez

Kzlk, one of Albert Schweitzer’s colonies in Colmar, Els., Issued a report on May 7 announcing that the first coronary virus infection had been identified on November 16 in eastern France. For this purpose, a total of 2456 examinations were performed between November 1 and April 30, 2019 to show signs of coronavirus infection a second time, and then for a third control test, with the participation of two (in principle) experienced experts. Dr. Schmitt, the district doctor, later discovered that “the virus had spread sporadically in early November and the infection had suddenly accelerated with the final events,” and then, in February, the law regularly erupted after from an event in Mulhouse.

As regards the Health Service, we do not believe that there are zero patients in France.

World war military games competition in Wuhan in October 2019

According to another hypothesis, the coronavirus may have played a role in the prevalence in France from October 18 to 27, 2019. French athlete from home to the International Military Games in Wuhan.

In addition, back from the race, he indicated that he had symptoms of a crown. Among them is a man from Luxembourg, whose account we know that two of his teammates became ill during the race, and a French military officer also reported that he had been diagnosed with coronary arteries.

Wuhan’s international competition and possible connections between the coronary accident and modern world Pentatlon champion Lodie Clouvel gave an inexhaustible interview to a local television station (TL7) in March. In this interview, Lodie Clouvel said that Valentin Belaud, an athlete of that level, was also infected in Wuhan’s career. None of them comment.

France 24 approached the Ministry of Health in this case, where it was referred to the Ministry of Defense. The Ministry of Defense has sent the following communication to cheese:

“Neither during the International Military Games in Wuhan nor after the return from the homeland, influenza or illnesses treated in the army were informed to the military health service that it could later be associated with the coronary virus.”

Police verify driver records in Priz during banSource: AFP / Philippe Lopez

The Defense Ministry’s cheese writing, in fact, did not rule out the world champion’s views, nor did it say whether Lodie Clouvel had actually contacted military doctors to test it or confuse it with coronary anthrax.

From the point of view of the dissemination of French law, this hypothesis cannot be ruled out either, that is, on the basis of this, the virus could have occurred in the country in late October and early November. At least Professor Yves Cohen says that anything is possible. The first identified Knai case could be on November 8. and, as we know, clinical signs of viral infection take between 5 and 14 days to appear, making it increasingly clear that in early November there were people with coronary arteries in France.

However, there is no answer to both questions: if you were infected at least two months before Januri’s autopsy, when did you find out? and a more hypothetical question: if problems were detected in time, how much less damage would the law have done in France?
