Mouthpiece can receive 40 million HUF severance pay in Brussels


All outgoing members are entitled to a so-called “end-of-term assignment” according to the provisions of the European Parliament, which comes with an additional monthly salary for each year spent in parliament, writes Blikk. József Szájer This means 40 million HUF.

All members are entitled to the assignment, regardless of the reason for their term of office.

He told Blikk Sanne de ryck, a spokesman for the EP, who also revealed that MEPs do not automatically receive this amount, but must announce their claim no later than 3 months after the end of their mandate.

If a member indicates that they need the end-of-term grant, they will receive it without special consideration.

József Szájer resigned as MEP last Sunday, and it turned out that he had previously attended an organ in Brussels on Friday, from which he tried to escape down the gutter from police officers who had found drugs with him. The resigned MEP also left Fidesz on Wednesday.
