Motorsport receives 20.4 billion from the Economic Protection Fund and 3 billion HUF for the maintenance of universities


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According to the Magyar Közlöny published on Wednesday evening, HUF 261 billion will be reallocated from the Economic Protection Fund established for the treatment of the coronavirus, which was noted by

According to this, almost HUF 101 billion will flow to the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. Of this, HUF 22.1 billion will be reallocated to reimbursement for rail passenger public transport services, HUF 20 billion to rail development and HUF 20.4 billion to motorsports, but exactly one company, HUMDA Zrt., will receive the support. In addition, HUF 19 billion will be used to increase the capital of the company (s) owned by ITM.

While the material expenses of universities and colleges in this area amount to a good 3 billion HUF, for research and development to 435 million HUF and the material expenses of the ITM itself to 17.8 million HUF.The second largest amount of money goes to the Prime Minister’s Office, amounting to HUF 82.8 billion.

Of this, 73.6 billion HUF goes to the Hauszmann National Plan, which covers the reconstruction and renovation of the Buda Castle District, II. aims to rebuild buildings demolished after WWII.Goes to more than 5 billion guilders professional tasks for the protection of cultural heritage, 2.25 billion for church contributions, 1.5 billion for the development of Budapest and the metropolitan agglomeration. The National Castle Program will receive an additional source of 473 million HUF.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade receives 40,000 million HUF, which will be used in its entirety to increase the capital of Eximbank Let’s go.

HUF 13.5 billion flows into the system in relation to state assets; of which the most significant item is MNV 9.5 billion HUF for investment purposes.

The Prime Minister’s Office receives HUF 12.8 billion for tourism development. The HUF 854.1 million from the Prime Minister’s Office will go towards the operational support of Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.

10 billion HUF flows to the Ministry of Human Resources, of which 2 billion HUF can be spent on public collections, while more than 5 billion HUF will go to support the Debrecen 2030 concept.

The government will provide 3 billion HUF to support the employment of employees with disabilities in this area.

Government communication and sports

In addition to the 261 billion, an additional 40.4 billion will be reallocated, of which the sports academies will receive the most support, 10 billion. Over HUF 3.5 billion are allocated to support the operation of key sports associations and almost HUF 3.4 billion to support the maintenance and operation of their sports facilities. The MLSZ will receive 3 billion, the skating association 500 million and the hikers association 450 million. Another HUF 265 million will be allocated to promoting sport, of which nearly 200 million will support tasks related to the implementation of sports development concepts.

The Central Reserve for Epidemic Control will also be reduced by $ 2.1 billion, of which $ 1 billion will be earmarked for essential communication and government consultation tasks.

2020 was an extraordinary year. The coronavirus epidemic and the deepening economic crisis that followed put us to the test, and the government has also used this dire crisis to further strengthen its already unprecedented power.

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