Moscow spoke about the case of the murdered nuclear scientist


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The ministry expressed serious concern about the provocative nature of the terrorist attack, which it said was aimed at destabilizing the situation and increasing the potential for conflict in the region.

Whoever is behind the murder and tries to use it for his political ends must be held accountable for him.

it was in the document.

The resolution recalled that stability in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf region is a constant priority for Russia, which is why it is acting and initiating in the UN and other international organizations, as well as in bilateral relations with the countries of the region. The Russian Foreign Ministry has called on all parties to refrain from any steps that may lead to an increase in this tension in the region.

According to information known so far, the scientist and his bodyguards buried Monday were attacked by armed men on Friday. Due to Farizade’s assassination, the Iranian parliament has begun to review a law that approved Iran’s agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

As we reported today in our detailed material, the details of the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Farizade are constantly leaking, but at the moment there is quite a bit of controversy. Some sources say the murder was carried out by a 62-man death squad, while other sources say the scientist was killed with a remote control weapon mounted on an exploded car. This is the first time this year that an attack has affected Iran’s strategically important leaders or complexes.

Cover Image Source: Iran Ministry of Defense / Handout / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
