More than 22,000 people signed a petition against the left-wing death campaign


The left wants a prolonged emergency caused by the epidemic, for which the people will hold the government accountable. They are campaigning against vaccination to achieve this. Zsolt Bayer, publicist for the Hungarian Nation, has drawn up a petition against the death campaign of the left, which has so far been signed by more than 22,169 people, signed by the Hungarian Nation.

Zsolt Bayer called the left’s anti-vaccination kill campaign the biggest villain in decades, in which the health of the Hungarian people is compromised by shameful political interests. Péter Krekó, one of the main employees of Political Capital’s left-wing analysis workshop and one of the best-known speakers of the Hungarian opposition, caused great outrage with a statement given to a Brussels newspaper, writes Magyar Nemzet.

If it undermines people’s willingness to get vaccinated, Orban will have to bear the political consequences. “ He told the newspaper, exposing the strategy of the left.

In Zsolt Bayer’s opinion, these words need no explanation. It saddens them that the strategy of the left is to dissuade people from getting vaccinated, which will cause the coronavirus to kill more people, so they believe that people will attack the government. In other words, it would be good for your election campaign if the coronavirus emergency situation was prolonged due to lack of vaccination.

Interpreting the explanation posted on in response to the social call and collaboration in response to this statement, Bayer said it was necessary because there was not a single person on the left in Hungary who would apologize or distance himself from her.

According to Zsolt Bayer, this cannot be tolerated without words, as we are responsible for each other, even if we think differently about the world, faith and politics. The Hungarians must show the left that they have reached a border from which they will either back down or face its consequences, he said.

The petition was signed by 22,169 people at noon on Sunday.
