More than 123,000 people have already been vaccinated at home and Russian and Chinese vaccines are being tested.


Epidemiological data are favorable, the number of new patients is below 1,000, said Cecília Müller, National Medical Chief, in an informative note from the Operative Staff. The number of people cured is already greater than the number of active infections, but this does not cause any relaxation, because in several countries there are more patients again after the initial favorable data. Müller also spoke of the fact that more than 123,000 patients have already been vaccinated at home, but fewer vaccines now arrive from Brussels than planned.

Kiss Róbert, the deputy director of the guard center of the Operational General Staff responsible for the defense presented the data of the weekend. The authorities took action against 496 people for lack of masks. Measures were taken against 69 people in shops and shopping centers. 391 did not wear the mask in public areas despite municipal ordinances. Violations of the rules of shops, restaurants, accommodation and leisure facilities have so far required 732 police actions. In 196 cases, the omission of the operator or owner was established, and in 536 cases the regulations on limited store opening hours were not taken into account. Police took action against 1,443 people for violating curfew rules.

During the weekend, passengers passing through Hungary were also screened and 228 cases of traffic rule violators were taken. Bystanders have been screened since September and 9,142 actions have been taken so far against non-compliant people.

Epidemiological data are favorable, the number of new patients is less than 1,000

he said Müller Cecília national medical director. The number of people cured is already higher than the number of active infections, but this does not provoke any relaxation, because in several countries there are more patients again after the initial favorable data.

This is not a simple respiratory disease.

warned the specialist, who asked everyone to get vaccinated, to register for vaccination.

Tibor Papp, Reformed pastor of Mez Belberény Reformed Beloved Home, will receive the coronavirus vaccine from biotech company Modern American at the Mezőberény Reformed Beloved Home on January 17, 2021.Source: MTI / Rosta Tibor

Cecília Müller also said that over the weekend vaccinations continued for health workers and residents and workers of nursing homes. Up to now, more than 123,000 people have been vaccinated, and tomorrow all the vaccines will be given for what entered the country. The goal is for vaccination to be as complete as possible in closed communities, so that the spread of the virus stops there.

Regarding incorrect information about vaccines, Cecília Müller asked Hungarian experts believe, as Hungarian experts have always been at the forefront in this field.

They only get vaccinated at home with a safe vaccine, said the expert, who also spoke about the Chinese vaccine. As he said, it is an inactivated vaccine, which means that it cannot cause disease because this ability has been removed, these types of vaccines have been manufactured for about 100 years and have proven their effectiveness. Its technology is not out of date, and the polio vaccine is also manufactured on the principle of the Chinese coronavirus vaccine.

Chief Pharmacist Ádám Kozma will bring the newly arrived Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines to the institutional pharmacy of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Central Hospital and Teaching University Hospital on January 12, 2021.Source: MTI / Mti Photo Editor / János Vajda

Another shipment of the Pfizer vaccine will arrive Tuesday, enough to vaccinate 35,685 more people. Many are already receiving their second vaccine, the second vaccine is provided, it is reserved for them.

In response to questions, Müller said there were no definitive data on the infectivity of those who had already been vaccinated. But it can be said that someone who has already developed immunity will not get sick or if they do they will not have serious complications, so in their case the infection will pass less.

Responding to another question, she also said that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines should not be administered during pregnancy and in case of allergies a close consultation with the vaccinating physician is required. The vaccine can also be given to anyone who uses a blood thinner.

Vaccination is especially recommended for people with high blood pressure, he noted.

In response to another question, the chief physician noted that the vaccine is effective against current viral mutations. At the moment, Operational Strain does not find the new variants to be more contagious. But they will not behave differently in Hungary than in other countries, he added.

In response to a question about the Chinese vaccine, Müller said that the Hungarian authorities are currently investigating it on the ground and that only a safe vaccine will be licensed.

Hungarian authorities are still testing the Russian vaccine, which can be given to 3,000 people. the experience so far is favorable. Soon there will be an on-site inspection where it is manufactured, said Cecília Müller on another topic.
