More masses have caught up with the epidemic


In Spain, the number of infected people has exceeded psychological limits and more restrictions are being decided in several European countries.

In Italy Healthcare is urging a spring-like national shutdown after the daily number of cases exceeded 19,000 on Friday and a nightly curfew has already been imposed in six regions. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that if necessary, further adjustments would be made, including on Monday. Previously, the head of government set the number of cases at twenty thousand per day as the threshold at which a partial or national curfew restriction could be imposed twenty-four hours a day. According to press reports, the government will wait until the end to apply this.

They came to life on Friday night In wales Severe restrictions lasting more than two weeks, close to total closure, imposed by the local government to slow the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. However, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was confident that life could become “something more normal” by Christmas. In Great Britain. Under a Welsh government regulation announced earlier this week, pubs, restaurants, tourist and leisure facilities, hotels, community institutions, hair salons, beauty salons, libraries, car dealers, museums, cinemas, markets and shops that sell products non-essential, writes MTI.

In Spain In fact, three million people have been infected with the new type of coronavirus since the beginning of the epidemic, which is three times the number of registered cases, said Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. “The situation is serious, we must act together, firmly,” said the prime minister, calling on the country’s people to be cooperative and disciplined, to travel less and to reduce their programs and meetings. The government definitely wants to avoid introducing curfews like spring, when for months it was only possible to go outside for reasons like going to work or shopping.

Anze Logar turned positive Slovenian The Foreign Minister’s new coronavirus test is routinely done on Friday – type Infostart after MTI. The politician, although he does not show symptoms, will have to spend the next ten days in solitary confinement, and his direct staff have been forced to do so, the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced.

Russia is in control of the epidemic, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Friday, as the number of new coronavirus infections detected in one day rose above 17,000 for the first time. “The situation is not easy, but we are in control,” Peskov said. In Russia, the number of new confirmed coronavirus infections rose 17,340 last day to 1,480,646, according to official figures released Friday. The prevalence is 1.2 percent and 27.7 percent of new cases are asymptomatic.

In croatia Y In slovenia the number of patients requiring hospital treatment is also increasing and both countries are increasing their hospital capacity. Croatian Health Minister Vili Beros told reporters that hospitals have 14,460 hospital beds, but that number could be increased to 20,000. In addition to some clinical centers, the military has also built temporary tent hospitals, but they are not needed yet. In Slovenia, according to data released by the government on Friday, the number of infected people rose in 1956 to 19,307 on Thursday. Five patients died, bringing the death toll to 214. Of the diagnosed patients, 394 are hospitalized, 67 of whom are treated in the intensive care unit. From Saturday to a week, the economy will be partially closed in the country.

In romania the number of coronavirus infections exceeded 200,000 on Friday, the number of cases per day exceeded five thousand, in order to reduce the pressure on the health system, therefore, asymptomatic infected people no longer have to request hospital recognition . According to a government emergency ordinance issued Thursday night, after a positive coronavirus test, an infected person does not have to present to an epidemiological hospital to have their condition evaluated if they are otherwise asymptomatic and there are no other risk factors. that justify it.

Due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus epidemic, additional restrictions were imposed on Friday by Belgian government, these mainly refer to sports and culture. The provisions were announced by Prime Minister Alexander de Croo at a press conference on Friday morning. On this day, the National Security Council will continue consultations and further measures are expected to be outlined in the evening.

In Poland Starting Saturday, they will further toughen epidemiological measures, close restaurants, restrict the movement of minors outdoors and ban gatherings of more than five people, Prime Minister Matuesz Morawiecki said at a press conference. The measures are aimed at curbing the epidemic within 10 to 14 days; otherwise, more austerity measures will be needed, among which the Prime Minister mentioned the deep economic closure and the closure of the border.
