More excitement is coming in Dancing with the Stars!


TV2 viewers witnessed a truly moving show, but a couple had to say goodbye at the end.

Couples in the competition took to the dance floor with a dazzling production!

For the sake of their own health and that of others, Dancing with the Stars stars Andrea Osvárt and Anikó Marsi, who have betrayed how they feel, cannot take the stage today.

Due to coronavirus illnesses, the field of Dancing with the Stars has expanded with two new partners.

A Dancing with the Stars jury has also arrived at the studio, which will also wrap their criticisms of the evening’s theme in their hearts. Sándor Noszály’s injury turned out to be quite serious on last week’s show, but now the Dancing with the Stars star takes the stage with renewed vigor. Girl request on stage! Dancing with the Stars’ third live show started with the fast pacing of Sándor Noszály and Anna Mikes!

András Stohl was shocked after the cold production of Sándor Noszály and Anna Mikes, whose not only visual, but also what he had to say was impressive. Dávid Tóth will also need to show his emotions in his production, but it will not be easy for the athlete, since he has been building walls around him for a long time. Dávid Tóth and Laura Lissák showed what love and erotica are in a special dance style!

Dávid Tóth and Laura Lissák impressed the Dancing with the Stars jury with a promising production. In addition to the dance, the opening of David’s soul also delighted the jury.

An unexpected situation shook László Istenes’s preparations, but this was not the only problem for Mokka’s host this week.

The evening continued with a real samba party! Divine Laci had to learn a difficult choreography with a new partner, Martina Váradi.

The jury compared László Istenes to a passionate “flirting machine”. How much all this was judged by the judges is evident in the video!

Dániel Győrfi and his partner got a second chance at the Dancing with the Stars show, who prepared to return by giving their fathers and mothers.

The return of Dániel Győrfi and Stana Alexandra circulated through Vienna on the parquet! You are a great comeback! Dream production! Your posture has improved a lot! Beautiful ballet! – the jury expressed their opinion on Dani Győrfi’s production.

Enikő Détár was completely happy when he learned that he was going to a disco dance with his partner. However, the task is not as simple as it seems … As the queen of the disco, Enikő Détár and her dance partner, Dávid Baranya, showed their new face on the dance floor!

The jury was almost overwhelmed with energy during the production of Enikő Détár, whose not only movements but also his gaze impressed the professional team.

Returning from descent, Emilio has burned 100 degrees so far, but now he will burn at 300 degrees! Emilio said while preparing for the show. Emilo and Tóth Orsi are back at the Dancing with the stars parquet with a swirling jive!

Fighting back tears, Pastor Anna told me why her dreams of dancing had been shattered everywhere … They were done with a really emotional dance on the third Shepherd Annas show. After the emotional dance of Anna Pásztor and her partner, the Dancing With the Stars jury had little voice and described the co-production as impressive. Gabriela Spanic testified about the loss of her mother, one of the most difficult periods of her life. However, the global star is trying to make the most of it. Gabriela Spanic and Andrei Mangra played the main song of the series Paula y Paulina on the floor.

With the power of dance, Paula and Paulina’s star, whose superhuman performance and strength couldn’t get by without a word, was able to walk away without a word from the jury. Tomi Horváth and his partner are fighting for higher points, but this requires skill and passion!

Tomi Horváth and Viktória Sipos opened the stage with a very hot cha cha cha cha. The jury enraged Tomi Horváth last week and showed his passion in a successful production. However, there was no agreement on all points … Timi Gelencsér is very afraid of the foxtrot production, because he does not want to disappoint the viewers or his partner.

That was hot then! The evening was crowned with dignity by Timi de Gelencsér! Timi Gelencsér’s versatile dancing completely impressed the jury, and the production was made all the more perfect by Timi’s femininity.

The veil of the Nichak, who am I? about the team members from season two!

The couples crossed their dead ends and dazzled the jury and the public with more fantastic productions than ever in the third broadcast.

Dancing with the Stars viewers came as a huge surprise by listing the names of the safe progressives!

Emilio and his partner were no longer disappointed during their last dance, but instead went to a good-natured goodbye dance.

October 24, 2020 11:28 PM

Tags: dancing with the stars
