More and more people are asking for their money back, but not all stores want to return it.


Cyberpunk 2077 finally launched last week, but not everyone was happy. On the basic versions of the previous generation consoles, the game performs ruthlessly poorly, but even on more powerful machines, you can encounter a lot of bugs. It is true that behind our sea of ​​bugs and lousy performance, according to our test, there is a great game, if not very original and world-saving, but many are not willing to wait for the gigantic and large number of patches that can make the game. CP 2077 can be played on basic consoles. therefore, they demand a refund. Yes, but it is not as easy as users would imagine with CD Project RED.

The game is official Twitter Another post from the developers was released in which CD Project RED apologized for the bright start, especially for the basic versions of PS4 and Xbox One, and promised to release several major fixes for PC in December. in January and February, and third, of course, everyone was assured of getting their money back if they didn’t want to wait for the repairs. CD Project RED has suggested that digital copies use the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Gold networks, while Cyberpunk 2077 boxed owners should first search for the stores where they purchased them, and if they are not successful there, CD Project RED will announce contact contact ([email protected]) before December 21. Everything is fine, but the reports do not refund the refund at all.

Eurogamer reported that the situation is far from being as simple as described in the Project RED CD. As for the PlayStation Store, you can only get your money back here if you haven’t started downloading or streaming the game, or if you pre-order, we start the refund before the game comes out. Of course, we wrote about it a few days ago that there were gamers that Sony’s customer service helped to get their money back and remove Cyberpunk 2077 from their library.

Microsoft Sotre’s refund policy is a bit more liberal, saying that most purchases are non-refundable after 14 days, or you have to fill out a questionnaire and be hopeful. Here it is also possible who will succeed and who will not, according to Eurogamer.

These are, of course, digital purchases. In-store refunds for physical items are even more chaotic, according to a report from Eurogamer. A British network called Game, for example, immediately directs customers with a complaint to the CD Project. The writer of the article in that document also tried to claim that the version of Xbox One you bought was bad, but it was rejected and customer service recommended that you write to the publisher / development team of the game. According to an insider who requested anonymity from Eurogamer, Game management gave employees the need to direct everyone to the email provided by CD Project RED on this matter, unless unopened Cyberpunk 2077 packages are returned. It is true that it can be very troublesome to ensure that the game is not running properly on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The manager of a store called ShopTo told Eurogamer that they will refund customers’ money for Cyberpunk 2077, but the shipping cost will need to be reimbursed by the user. This is because ShopTo is still waiting for a response from the game’s European distributor, Bandai Namco, to cover the return cost.

Michał Nowakowski, Senior Vice President of CD Project, is aware that both Microsoft and Sony have different regulations on redemptions, so an extraordinary meeting of investors was called last night. However, Nowakowski also pointed out that they unfortunately cannot be excluded by large publishers / console makers, so their refund policy also applies to Cyberpunk 2077. And in this context, the question is, do we write to the Project of CD in the email mentioned above, how successful we will be and what the publisher / developer can do for the cause.

And if this sad story isn’t chaotic enough yet, Marcin Iwiński, co-founder of CD Project, said at that investor meeting that they would not encourage anyone to ask for their money, but wait for the developers to fix the game. Ordas big mistakes. At the same time, Iwiński pointed out that it is definitely worth trying first at the particular store where we bought our physical copy.

Cyberpunk was released on December 10, 2077 for PC and consoles.
