MOK distances itself from doctors in container factories


After two members of the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) started spreading conspiracy theories about the coronavirus, the organization decided to distance itself from them.

The MOK’s tasks as a professional body do not primarily include disproving conspiracy theories, and free speech typically includes spreading all sorts of unscientific nonsense, they write.

However, as orthopedic surgeon Alfréd Pócs and members of József Tamasi, as well as György Gődény, an off-camera pharmacist, made statements that jeopardize the effectiveness of the defense, they decided to speak out on the matter.

Furthermore, Alfréd Pócs publicized his “teachings” not as a private person, but as an official of the MOK, for which the presidency makes an ethical statement. Pócs is also an anti-5G activist and a prominent member of the Association of Physicians for Clairvoyance.

Tamási and Gődény define the threat of the coronavirus epidemic as hysteria provoked by the media and various governments and other “background powers”, they deny the scientific importance of distance and the use of masks to stop the spread of the virus and transmit a general attitude against vaccines.
