Mjus can finish third in Hungary


On Sunday Prime Minister Viktor Orbn visited Ajkn. He told city council that by the third third, when experts had predicted the law, there would be 5,000 breaths available. This is largely safe. The gpek number will rise to 8,000. On Sunday, it also turned out that in Hungary we were able to successfully cure ventilated coronavirus patients in several cases. From Western Europe, the spread of the law has slowed down. In the United States, however, the situation has not improved.

Orbn Viktor Ajkn and Others

On Sunday, our Prime Minister Viktor Orbn completed the unannounced inspection conducted at Imre Magyar Krhz in Ajka, of which a video on the public media page. In the law designated for the care of patients with coronary artery disease, the Minister pushed the entire patient from the institution, from the internal lock to the intensive care unit. There are 6 intensive care units in his hospital, but in recent weeks the head of the facility has successfully developed the ability to accommodate up to 86 intensive care patients at the same time, as required by the emergency plan.

In this regard, Viktor Orbn drew attention: a warning sign that One week of all registered coronary artery patients in Hungary came from the Fvrosi government home. He mentioned that there are 1,100 homes in the country, and it is important to be prepared if the disease is high. Today, the Minister of Freedom should release a single person, the worst case, the Minister said, saying that if the worst happened, the Hungarian authorities would still have to provide care to all patients with coronary heart disease. Everyone can sleep peacefully, everyone who has gotten sick will have a place, said Viktor Orbn.

In the video, our minister also said that for the third third, when experts predicted the law, there will be 5,000 breaths available. This is largely safe. The gpek number will rise to 8,000. This, whatever happens, is enough in good times. That’s the amountour minister attracted attention.

We can also heal the fan well

National Officer Ceclia Mller told a regular employee at Operat Trzs In 1916, the number of identified coronary arteries was infected in Hungary, and 250 were burned. He confirmed that 80 of the infected people had mild symptoms. Among the 250 people, they also had a serious condition, but they also managed to convince them. We can also heal those who are breathless. Gygyulsi shade is even better than value: he brought it. Arrl also said that people with long-standing chronic diseases are at the highest risk. 17 people died under 24 ra.

Refrigeration is more restrictive than refrigeration.Fot: Csudai Sndor – Origo

Twice as many violations of the exclusion limit on Saturday as an average weekday, It was delivered on Sunday in the Operat Trzs. Tibor Lakatos, head of the monitoring center of the Operations Center, said 145,797 people who had come to Hungary in freight traffic had so far been checked. The number of Hungarians returning from abroad is low, so that in the last 24 years only 761 national quarantines have been ordered. There are currently 11,959 people in quarantine. We also carry out inspections. 8932 inspections were carried out in one day and 30 irregularities were found.

According to the Vice President of the European Commission, Hungarian measures do not contradict the law of the European Union

On Sunday Vera Jourov, Vice President of the European Commission, stated that So far, Hungary has not passed a law against the new coronary law that would be contrary to the law of the European Union. In a discussion on the Czech service Hrtelevz (CT24), he said: “I am not concerned at the moment. Hungary has so far not adopted a law that is contrary to European Union law,” Vera Jourov replied to the concern of the chair on the situation in Hungary. He said that he had met with Judit Varga, Minister of Justice, with whom he had a detailed discussion with the Hungarian authorities.

Alexander Vondra, deputy head of the opposition Polgri Democratic Prt (ODS), member of the European Parliament, spoke about a statement by Mr Jourov, who said it was Finally they read the Hungarian laws in Brussels. The right-wing politician pointed out that there was a lot of information and opinion in Brussels and in the press that did not correspond to the Hungarian people.

The number of students in the UK is low.

According to the latest statistics released on Sunday, the number of infections caused by the new coronary virus reached 120,000. Britain, however, the number of daily listeners should be significantly reduced. The British Health Department announced Sunday that it had reported 596 cases to authorities in the past 24 hours. In Britain, 372,967 people were screened on Sunday, and a total of 120,067 people were diagnosed with the new coronary virus.
In the past 24 years, 21,626 coronary artery tests were performed. The British government’s goal is to increase the number of coronary haircuts performed per day to 100,000 at the end of the day.

the France They probably won’t last as long as they used to, French Minister Edward Phillippo said yesterday could wait for long-term action to be taken regarding coronary artery disease, which will impose restrictions on patients who are currently undergoing a strict postponement until 11 o’clock. The number has approached 20,000, according to the latest data. “Medical care is not worth it” – declared the governor. “We are winning against the law, and the situation is improving slowly and gradually, but surely,” he said after the number of chronic patients decreased. The restraining orders, which expired on March 17, were extended by Emmanuel Macron Llamf until May 11 last week. However, according to our Minister, the “After quarantine and probably for a long time, the French will no longer be as they used to be.” “Little by little, we will learn to organize our hands against the virus,” he added.
At the press conference, the legal director of the health council announced that in the past 24 years, the number of hearing victims of coronary heart disease, nursing homes and other social institutions had increased by 395 to 19,718 in the previous 642 trips.

Eighty-eight people died of coronary artery infection in the last day, which is the lowest number on March 26. dutch time. A total of 3,684 people have died from the infection so far in the country, compared to 32,655.

In Britain, the number of listeners per day should be significantly reducedSource: AFP / Anthony Devlin

Hrek Pro from Italy

On the second day, the number of hearing victims of coronary infection, which reached 23,660, was under fire. in Italy – Said the Italian Civil Defense Authority on Sunday night. The death toll was 433, a further decrease from 482 on Saturday. The number of new identified infections fell to 3,047 on Sunday, from 3,491 a day earlier.

Spanyolorszgban 410 people died in one day from a new type of coronary virus infection, which reduced the number of listeners to 500 for less than a week, according to information from the Spanish Ministry of Health on Sunday. Last day, 4,218 more infections were detected, 4,499 on Saturday and 5,252 on Friday.

I will take the opposite action before Ramadn

Irnban By Sunday, the number of people infected with the new type of coronary virus had risen to 82,211 and the number of victims had reached 5,188, the heart of the Ministry of Health announced. According to Kianus Jaanpur, a ministerial spokesman said that 87 people have died from Covid-19 disease caused by the virus in the past 24 years. In the country, the disappearance of more than 80,000 people who were temporarily released from the brigade due to the law lasted until May 20.

S & Arbia His body of Islamic beliefs convinced his faith to pray in their homes instead of the usual public prayers in mosques during Ramadah. In the communication also sent to the SPA state, the body calls the clusters the main causes of the spread of the virus.

Pakisztnban in contrast, mosques remain open during Ramadn. The government, led by our Prime Minister, Imran Hn, analyzed the decision on Saturday to explain the influence of Pakistani religious scholars on the government, adding that several times it turned out that in a series of conflicts and religious conflicts, the latter are calling to the street to the street.

Iraq the most influential leader of sita vallsi, the most recent decree of Ali as-Sstni Nagyajatollah (fatva) It also allows the abandonment of death in case they fear the risk of infection. During Ramadn, Muslims are prohibited from consuming and drinking liquids from sunrise to sunset, among other things.

In the United States, the law has not been defeated

Fighting the law is only in the middle, said Andrew CuomoNew York government stressed that the law had not been passed, so there were no plans to restart the state economy and daily life. “The wing can be reversed if we open the state too soon,” he said, adding that once they had reached the completion of the law, they were descending to the law. Cuomo concluded that the resumption must adapt to the evolution of the health situation.
