Minsk diplomats from 17 countries try to prevent Nobel Prize-winning writer Svetlana Alexeyevich from being kidnapped


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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Diplomats from 17 countries gathered at the apartment of Svetlana Alexeyevich, a literary writer and Nobel Prize-winning journalist, in Minsk to prevent the Belarusian authorities from taking her away, while many opposition leaders spoke out against the fraudulently elected Lukashenko.

The Swedish ambassador in Minsk has published a post on Facebook about the countries that support the writer. Who is not on the list?

In addition to Sweden, a diplomat from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Austria, Latvia, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Estonia, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Finland and the European Union constantly monitors the safety of the writer. However, Hungary has no news or ashes.

By the way, the Hungarian ambassador in Minsk was Zsolt Csutora, who was previously the undersecretary of state for the Eastern Opening.

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