Ministry of Agriculture: Undersecretary of State János Nagy is involved in the corruption case


They are being investigated for bribery in the Ministry of Agriculture; the case involves János Nagy, undersecretary of state for land affairs, whose dismissal will be initiated by the minister on Wednesday, the ministry told MTI late Wednesday.

The Budapest Regional Investigation Prosecutor’s Office has been guilty of bribery for abuse of power and is investigating other crimes. The person involved is János Nagy, Undersecretary of State for Lands of the Ministry of Agriculture.

On Wednesday, the Minister of Agriculture, István Nagy, will initiate the removal of the Undersecretary of State. The ministry is assisting the prosecutor’s office in everything, the ministry wrote in the statement.

The Budapest Regional Investigation Prosecutor’s Office said on Wednesday that yesterday it had carried out coordinated procedural actions with the participation of about 60 people to thoroughly investigate the facts and obtain more relevant evidence. As a result, searches, searches, and seizures were conducted at various sites in full compliance with epidemiological standards, followed by subsequent witness searches, interviews with witnesses, and suspects.

In the summer of 2020, a mixed agricultural entrepreneur, also dedicated to animal husbandry, planned to start a new agricultural company with public support through a tender. According to the well-founded suspicion, the contractor offered an undue advantage to help win the tender for the investment and the acquisition of land using the contacts derived from the official position of a high official of the ministry.

Due to the hundreds of millions of guilders of non-refundable support that the entrepreneur planned to earn through the exercise of official influence, the entrepreneur recommended to the ministry official a 5 per cent stake in the expected successful enterprise. The senior official accepted the offer and acquired the promised stake in the newly established agricultural enterprise.

The prosecution has questioned both the perpetrators and the suspects, ordered their arrest and is proposing the imposition of a coercive judicial measure on personal liberty, the prosecution said in a statement.
