Mindless conspiracy fans and porn addicts, far left and neo-Nazis against reality


Antivirus agents in FranceForrás: Hans Lucas via AFP / Laurent Ferriere / Hans Lucas / Laurent Ferriere

Left-wing star actors against wearing masks

As epidemiologists are perhaps the greatest threat from an epidemiological point of view, and they also oppose the use of masks (“not all anti-mask antivirals, but all antivirals are also anti-masks”), our analysis focuses on these two overlapping groups. The groups are basically organized on the Internet, present on multiple platforms, but with the same objective: to violate the rules governing the use of masks and the fight against the coronavirus epidemic in general.

The anti-mask movement, which was originally prevalent in the United States, also appeared in France during the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic. It is an extremely heterogeneous and complex, multifaceted movement, whose members include anti-virus, anti-vaccine, radical greens, far-left, anarchists, neo-Nazis, yellow vests, conspirators, pseudo-doctors and strangely enough.

We find here Bernard Henri-Lévy, the favorite philosopher of the French left, or the frustrated philosopher of the left, Michel Onfray, who wrote about how Anne Hidalgo, the socialist mayor of Paris, defended the sympathizer of the left. The anti-mask “civil disobedience” movement led by star actors Bedos and Vincent Lindon.

Demonstration against coronavirus restrictions in ParisSource: Hans Lucas via AFP / Jacopo Landi / Hans Lucas / Jacopo Landi

In France, the use of masks became mandatory on July 20 in closed spaces and then their use was required everywhere in parallel with the deterioration of the epidemiological situation. In the catastrophic situation that has developed now, as of November 2, children over the age of 6 will also have to use it. Although French authorities, including President Emmanuel Macron, have for some time been constantly emphasizing the need for masks and their epidemiologically justified role, this was not at all typical of the first phase of the epidemic.

Those who protest against the mask with a Che Guevara t-shirt

Unlike Asia, European man was not used to wearing a mask at all, based on completely wrong government communication at the time, many in France might have thought it was pointless to wear a mask, people were completely insecure about this topic. It is worth showing some examples of the irresponsibility of French leaders during the first wave of the epidemic.

The then health minister, Agnès Buzyn, said that its use was “completely useless”, and the fallen Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe, said that the mask was “superfluous” based on “medical and scientific opinions”, saying that it “does not help In nothing”. (In fact, Philippe continued his career as mayor of Le Havre, but it is clear that his departure was due to mismanagement of the epidemic. Criminal proceedings were initiated against him and Buzyn for mismanagement of the epidemic). But even the current Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, thought in the spring that “the use of masks is recommended for those who have been to China, Singapore, South Korea, Lombardy or Venice.” (According to some analyzes, the great French politics did not promote the widespread use of masks. Because they did not have enough supplies, they wanted to avoid panic).

Anti-masking inscription on the zebraForrás: Hans Lucas via AFP / Arnaud Chochon / Hans Lucas / Arnaud Chochon

After the French government made wearing masks mandatory indoors on July 20, the number of anti-mask Facebook groups skyrocketed. For example, the “mandatory anti-mask” group, created in May, has grown to more than 6,500 overnight. Tristan Mendès-France, an expert on the Internet and community platforms at the University of Paris, spoke eloquently about the composition of the movement in a statement to 20minutes.fr. He said: “Some are in anti-mask, others with Che Guevara t-shirts for anti-mask demonstrations,” says the analyst on how much the extreme left and the anti-mask movement are intertwined.

Anti-masking and antivirus

The phenomenon also caught the attention of the Jean-Jaures Foundation, and a large-scale investigation was launched in August 2020 using an American opinion polling platform (Qualtrics). Based on the French responses against thousands of masks, they concluded that a significant proportion of respondents not only reject the mask, but deny that the coronavirus exists at all. According to them, the use of the mask does not protect against the virus, so it is completely unnecessary, in fact, it was believed that its use is more harmful because it blocks the oxygen of its user. “They deprive us of oxygen and destroy us,” writes one or another Internet user reflects on the phrase “greetings from the dictatorship. According to others, the mask has nothing to protect people from, because they believe that there are no viruses.

The foundation came up with an interesting correlation when it analyzed the sympathy rating of anti-mask virus deniers and the power elite. I wonder why these people do not believe in the usefulness of the use of masks and why they think it is dangerous. “Basically,” writes a study by the Jean-Jaurés Foundation, because “the faith of these people in political institutions and their representatives has fallen drastically. 6% of those surveyed said they trust the institution of the presidency, and only in political parties 2% of them, the same few trust Macron, and 3% still trust Prime Minister Jean Castex.

It is especially dangerous for many doctors or con artists who call themselves doctors to deny the existence of the virus in ever more bold ways and in ever greater numbers. And there are certainly many who are susceptible to nonsense.

The study also highlighted that antivirus and anti-masking users largely share so-called libertarian ideas, which mean not only economic liberalism but also moral freedom. Internet researcher Antoine Bristielle, one of the authors of the study, pointed out to the AFP news agency that “members of the movement are strongly attached to the libertarian worldview” and this may have had a direct impact on the spread of the epidemic. the curve of the epidemic was flat, we wrote in detail in Origo, people addicted to pornography created a dramatic epidemic.

This kind of part-far-left and part-ultra-liberal worldview was also combined with extreme individualism, as 95% of respondents thought that the state interfered too much in people’s lives and should allow people to decide for themselves. what they wanted (eg wear a mask). Or even let them die.

A patient with coronavirus is being treated in a French hospitalSource: AFP / Christophe Archambault

If smoke comes out, will the virus get in?

Another important conclusion from the analysis is that antivirals and antivirals are very susceptible to so-called conspiracy nonsense. While only a small part of the total French population believes that there is a Zionist conspiracy in the world, this proportion is 57% among virus deniers and anti-masks. It is no coincidence that 90% of them believe that the French Ministry of Health is in collusion with pharmaceutical companies to hide the harmful side effects of vaccines, which is why the movements that also spread against the coronavirus vaccine are have become more active recently.

One of the symbols of the occupation of the yellow vests occupied by the radical left, Maxime Nicolle, by the way, is also investing serious energies in supporting the anti-masking movement. More than 600,000 people have already seen his video, masked, blowing cigarette smoke, proving the nonsense – there is no better term for it – that once the smoke passes through the mask, it does not protect against the virus.
