Milanese baker who helped those in need with free bread dies during epidemic


He baked every day until he contracted the coronavirus.

He died of coronavirus Gianni Bernardinello a baker in Milan who put more baskets of bread, pizza and cakes in front of his store every day after the outbreak to help those whose livelihoods were at risk, the New York Times wrote.

A little help for those in need. Take it easy and think of others

The inscription was on the baskets. After unloading the basket, Bernardinello quickly disappeared from the scene so as not to embarrass those who lined up for free. The 76-year-old baker died in hospital on November 9. According to her daughter, until she became ill, she went to her bakery every day to bake, in vain her relatives begged her not to do so because she was endangering her health.

He said we should help as much as we can. People will always need bread

Samuela Bernardinello, who takes over her father’s business, reminded the Times.

Featured image: Daniel Karmann / dpa / AFP
