Miklós Kásler promised new health legislation


How do the largest private healthcare providers respond to this? It will soon be revealed:

Miklós Kásler said about the Health Service Legal Relations Law: the government has been involved in the transformation and development of health care for a long time, and this process was accelerated by the coronavirus epidemic.

“He pointed out very emphatically the virtues of Hungarian medical care, and also pointed out the conditions in which it is desirable to change very quickly,” he said.

The Minister said that the bill had also been discussed with the Hungarian Medical Chamber and the Democratic Union of Health and Social Sector Workers.

On September 30, three proposals for a salary increase were presented to the government, including a proposal from the House, which was accepted by the Prime Minister; One of the gist of this is a three-step pay increase, he added.

The head of the ministry did not speak about the fact that the establishment of the legal relationship between the health service and the separation of private and state care according to strict rules and the restriction of the accumulation of jobs are all measures with which the Hungarian Medical Chamber disagrees. On Wednesday, the MOK presidency issued a resolution with strong messages, in which it is expected that an amendment to the law will be requested.

The law, although the public is primarily interested in increasing the salaries of doctors and the punishment of gratitude, is very broad it contains “items” that repay seventy years of debt. “You can really say that the law is old because can take Hungarian healthcare to a whole new level“- said Miklós Kásler.

He added that the legislation puts an end to gratitude money, which has so far significantly distorted the trust relationship between doctor and patient, and on the other hand, meant that doctors were financially exposed to patients.

Miklós Kásler also spoke about the fact that the new legislation moves health in the direction of legality and order, but at the same time

the separation of public and private practices requires more legislation.

Here, the head of the ministry must have been thinking about the government decrees the government was authorized to create after the law was passed on Tuesday. Doctors, providers, directors of institutions, owners also expect these detailed rules.

According to the minister, thanks to the new law, some Hungarian doctors working abroad are expected to return home, and the salary table outlines a clear vision for novice doctors.

The Minister does not mention that due to the strict conditions of the law, there may be doctors who do not continue in public care and, in fact, do not find their calculations in private care, so they will go abroad. Based on the opinions so far, we can say that the impact of the new law is not so much black and white.

The law does not apply to GPs and more steps are expected. The situation is similar with nurses, but in their case the salary increase is continuous, “and I can say that between 2019 and 2022, nursing salaries will increase two and a half times,” said Miklós Kásler.

The law on the legal status of the health service, introduced by Gergely Gulyás, minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, and Miklós Kásler, minister of Human Resources, was approved unanimously by 165 votes in Parliament on Tuesday.

Cover photo: Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, speaks at the end of the joint debate on the health bill, which includes the increase in medical salaries and the punishment of gratitude money, in the plenary session of Parliament on 6 October 2020. Source: MTI / Zoltán Balogh
