Mihály Varga announced the latest decisions of the Operational Staff of Economic Protection


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We take a break from the meeting of the Operational Court of Economic Protection. We are discussing acceleration and support of investments – the Minister started his short video, who then reported on the decisions:

  • The new tools will speed up and make public procurement controls more effective.
  • The electronic public procurement system will continue to be developed, which will also strengthen market competition.
  • We also exempt state projects and investments related to research and development and innovation from complicated administrative rules.
  • A step has also been taken to help businesses invest: the good news for a total of 164 small businesses is that new budget resources have been allocated to support investment. The HUF 4.5 billion budget for the asset investment tender program was increased to HUF 7.1 billion. From this, companies can buy IT machines and equipment and implement technological developments. Thanks to the support, an investment of HUF 14 billion can be made.

The objective is to encourage investment from both companies and the State, the partner of fiscal policy in this – indicated the head of the ministry.

15:30 in the afternoon

Based on an entry on the official Facebook page, the minister will soon explain the details of the trial in a video. The result of this, of course, is reported in the Portfolio.

Cover image source: Mihály Varga’s Facebook page
