Migrants yelling at Allahu Akbar trashed downtown Vienna on New Year’s Eve


A mostly migrant gang wreaked havoc on New Year’s Eve in central Vienna.

Vandals blew up trash cans with firecrackers, and their pieces attempted to break into shop windows (including a jewelry store, a bakery, and an ice cream parlor). Vending machines and banks were also damaged in the Favoriten district of central Vienna, populated by immigrants, on New Year’s Eve. The windows of several apartments were set off with fireworks. And a Christmas tree was doused with gasoline, according to the news portal oe24.at. A video on the scene shows incredible conditions.

When the police arrived at the scene, according to the portal they were shot by fireworks yelling at Allahu Akbart.

At first they all fled, but the police found among them a young Syrian, aged 16 and 21, who led them to an apartment where seven more assailants were detained: between 14 and 29 years old, two of them Austrians, two Iraqis, three Syrian immigrants.

Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer responded to the case by saying that there is no place for parallel societies in Austria.

The New Year’s Eve vandalism has once again demonstrated the dangers of parallel societies, according to Susanne Raab, the People’s Party Minister for Integration.

Norbert Hofer, chairman of the Austrian Freedom Party, has recommended the expulsion of dating migrants and that the two Austrian perpetrators pay for the restoration.
