Michelle Obama looks like she came out of a magazine: she dazzled everyone with her burgundy red outfit – World Star


It was filed on Wednesday Joe bident and Kamala harrist, with which they were able to formally begin their work as President and Vice President of the United States.

It’s an old tradition that the predecessor to the president’s inauguration attend the ceremony, well Donald and Melania Trump broke that tradition as they were already at their Florida home at the time of the ceremony. Interestingly, Trump’s resigning Vice President Mike Pence was there. Several of the 46th president’s predecessors and wives traveled to Washington to witness Biden take the holy oath live.

Michelle Obama’s dress was a success

Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama Also attending the grand opening, America’s 44th First Lady did not leave her choice of clothing to chance, a colleague from a fashion magazine couldn’t have done a better job, her stylist figured out which color fit her best. The specialist put his vote next to the burgundy red, and how well he did it, Michelle was one of the most elegant of that day.

Michelle Obama

Photo: Rob Carr / Getty Images Hungary

Designer Sergio Hudson dreamed of his outfit, the fashion guru’s trademark became his handmade leather belts, this accessory nicely enhanced the 57-year-old Obama look. Her hairstyle was also very well done, her original curly curls were straightened, but to prevent her hair from completely parting, she was thrown loose waves. Fans loved her appearance, she received many compliments on Twitter: “Well, this is how a first lady should dress”, “Michelle inspires me to dress even better”, “I hope that when I am as old as Michelle once, it will be just as good. I’m going to look and of course my style will be so sophisticated, “compliments were written.


Photo: Pool / Getty Images Hungary

In December 2019, it turned out that the 44th first lady had become the most admired woman in the world, The Independent wrote. This was stated by the document in a US poll at the time. They also write regularly on Instagram that for them she is the sweetest first lady.

Jill Biden was beautiful at the installation

In our compilation you can see how beautiful the new first lady was at her husband’s induction.
