Meteorite Crashes in Norway – 444


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A chunk of rock from outer space recently collapsed in Norway.

The meteorite could have weighed between 0.5 and 2 kilograms and hit Earth at a speed of more than 50,000 kilometers per hour, the Norsar Seismological Research Institute said on Monday.

The celestial object fell to Earth on the night of January 5 near a measuring station near Loten, 120 kilometers north of Oslo. Many in the area heard a loud explosion and saw a flash of bright light.

The impact was seen not far from an area where a severe landslide had occurred a few days earlier, leading many to fear that another slope had collapsed.

The Norwegian meteorite tracking network considers it unlikely that a meteorite will be found in a forested and snowy field. Norsar’s director, Anne Lycke, also said it would take a lot of luck to find it. (MTI)
