Merkely: the virus can spread rapidly to the elderly


The risk of the spread of the coronavirus has increased – said Béla Merkely, rector of Semmelweis University in the XI. in her keynote address at the Public Health Conference.

No other country has had such a quiet period as Hungary. The measures had a quick effect and the spread of the epidemic remained stable after the opening. In the past two weeks, however, these epidemiological indicators have increased significantly in all counties, he noted.

The virus has not changed, experts do not see a significant mutation. However, the first wave differed significantly from the current second wave in that the proportion of elderly among those infected was very high at that time. Now most of the positive cases come from the young age group, but after a while the virus also spreads to the elderly, so the use of masks is extremely important, he warned.

The coronavirus had no deaths in Hungary under the age of thirty, and the Hungarian death rate is low compared to Europe. A nationwide evaluation of four medical universities that involved more than 10,000 people in the spring also found that the virus affected the elderly the most.

Professionally strong and authentic communication is important. “Viral Skeptic and Masked Skeptic Attitude” doesn’t help. The epidemic can be overcome through the cooperation of the community, said the rector, emphasizing that prevention, the use of masks, hand hygiene and adequate distance are the most important.
