Merkely: a quarter of those who consult a doctor with upper respiratory problems are coronavirus


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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“There was a very long period of calm, in no country in the world was there such a long period of peace after May as in Hungary,” but it is over, said the rector of Semmelweis University in the XI. Public Health Conference on Thursday. Béla Merkely emphasized that the second wave in the country started with relatively large numbers.

In March, during the first wave, 6 percent of patients who sought medical attention for upper respiratory symptoms tested positive for Covid, and the remainder struggled with other pathogens that cause respiratory infections. Now the same rate is 20 to 25 percent,

indicated the current magnitude of the epidemic. So every fourth upper respiratory symptom is a coronavirus that goes to the doctor. The results of periodic tests carried out on students at Semmelweis University show that at the beginning of the second wave, two percent of the students were carriers of the virus.

The biggest difference compared to the first wave is that now infections do not spread through institutions but through the community, and the number of new cases comes predominantly from the young age group.

“What we fear will spread to the elderly and then mortality will increase,”

Merkely warned. That is why the strategy must now be designed to protect the elderly, she added. At the end of the conference presentation, the Rector drew attention to an interesting trend: the age-specific death rate is decreasing. Because the virus itself hasn’t changed, he says this is because doctors know more and more about treating the disease and can move earlier.

“Unlike the previous approach of” no ventilator, care does not work “, prioritizing non-invasive breathing, thus preventing the patient from accessing the ventilator.”

He said.

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