Merkel’s mistake could lead to a big surprise


The spectacular reaction from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who reversed the government’s decision to completely shut down Germany by Easter, could also affect the outcome of the September parliamentary elections. The political struggle is in full swing.

Dramatic details were leaked to the press about how German Chancellor Angela Merkel and some of her fellow politicians decided to shut down Germany entirely, including hitting grocery stores, for Easter, then reversed the decision after it proved unworkable, according to Bloomberg. resume.

The Chancellor held a videoconference meeting with the powerful leaders of the German provinces on Monday, March 22. Deliberations came to a standstill and remained there for eight hours after the central government had no idea how to slow the rapid spread of coronavirus infections. Merkel, 66, appeared lost, a source close to the case told a US news agency.

In the end, almost desperately, he turned to his advisor, Helge Braun, and asked, “Do you have any other ideas?” By that, he meant the full three-day closure that Braun, with medical studies, had suggested for Easter. And that’s when he lost control of the processes. Thirty-three hours later, after attending a meeting of the CDU parliamentary faction where MPs warned of the consequences of the decision, and after retailers became upset that they had already ordered the Easter products, the chancellor he withdrew the decision with apologies. The IW Institute for Economic Research in Cologne calculated that the deficit would have caused seven billion euros in damage to the German economy.

An incredible consequence

Germans will be able to run for the first time in September in a parliamentary election in which Merkel’s name will not appear on the ballot, but until then she will lead the government at the head of the Great Conservative-Social Democratic CDU / CSU Coalition. -SPD. Therefore, any movement or drag from the government can have a great impact on the result of the vote. And the last three weeks are the best proof of that.

According to opinion polls, the CDU led another 16 percentage points ahead of the second-place Greens in early March, melting to four percentage points in three weeks due to epidemic-related zigzags and a slow vaccination campaign. . This means that it has suddenly become a realistic possibility for Germany to have a Chancellor of the Greens after the end of September. Another message from recent polls is that a coalition of at least three parties may be necessary for a majority government.

What is the plan now?

Merkel’s withdrawal avoided the biggest political problem, but she was still in debt to one thing. If the big Easter closure doesn’t come, then what is the government’s future plan to deal with the pandemic? The infections had been declining for a month, there was talk that schools, restaurants, shops could reopen as the public expected, but the virus had triggered a new attack, leaving hospital beds in Germany with coronavirus patients. The vaccination campaign is progressing slowly. Once the shutdown has occurred, we don’t see what else the government can do.

One thing is certain: at the end of May, a candidate for chancellor from the alliance of CDU / CSU parties will have to be elected, and the party will be tough. Armin Laschet, president of the CDU, and Markus Söder, president of the CSU, are fighting for the opportunity, and although the popularity of the former is quite low and the government is not contributing at the moment, but taking it out of the CDU. kitchen, will not give up the fight. The last punch change took place near closing time. Together with Merkö Söder and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, candidate for chancellor of the SPD, he supported the decision, while Laschet opposed it as provincial leader. So he won this round.

Insiders say Merkel is seeing the competition in a worse mood, but is expected not to be involved in the selection of the chancellor candidate. Most of what you can do is take advantage of the vaccine supply, which is expected to improve from the second quarter, to accelerate the vaccination campaign, which experts say could produce results in June. At the same time, real relief is expected by the end of August, which is dangerously close to the elections scheduled for the second half of September.
