Merkel: by Christmas, German intensive care could also collapse


Across Germany, disease control rules need to be tightened due to the rapid increase in the number of people who have been confirmed to be infected with the new type of coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2), the Bavarian Prime Minister said on Tuesday, Markus Söder, in Munich. Also Tuesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel said at a non-public hearing that the intensive care system for Christmas could collapse before Christmas, according to Bild, writes the MTI.

Markus Söder told a briefing after the Bavarian provincial government meeting that urgent steps must be taken to “reverse the trend.” Due to the deteriorating situation of the epidemic, the meeting of the Permanent Conciliation Forum of the Provincial Heads of Government – the so-called Conference of the Prime Minister (MPC) – and the Chancellor, originally scheduled for Friday, was brought forward on Wednesday.

According to Markus Söder, decisions to reverse the trend of accelerating the spread of the virus should be made at this meeting, which will take the form of a video conference.

“It is faster and more consistent than hesitant and reluctant, and a more effective therapy than a full placebo,” said the president of the Christian Social Union (CSU). He did not comment in detail on what the appropriate “therapy” might be. However, he stressed that much stricter restrictions will be needed than before.

Sealed closures?

He also did not comment on the press release that Angela Merkel had a so-called slight short, a combination of English terms in the German press. “lock light” proposes the introduction of a system of rules indicated by the combination of words. This would mean that public education and child care would continue to function and with added precautions retail would work as well, but restaurants would have to close and ban all events again.

Several additional ideas have appeared in the German public. Marcel Fratscher, president of the DIW (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) in Berlin, one of the most prestigious economic research institutes, said, for example, that social and economic life should be frozen as much as possible for two weeks. These 14 days may be enough to stop the spread of the virus, and knowing the beginning and end of the shortage would provide predictability for economic operators, says the economist.

Others call for a similar short, short but radical. Among them is the epidemiologist Karl Lauterbach, one of the best-known epidemiologists, a prominent health politician from the German Social Democratic Party (SPD). He also said that a so-called breakwater short circuit should be ordered for two weeks. At the time of the announced one-week closure, everything but schools, kindergartens and stores that sell the products most necessary for everyday life should be closed; otherwise, much more severe measures will be needed in the short term to stop the epidemic, says the epidemiologist.

Physics researcher Angela Merkel, who made her way into politics, has also been warning for weeks about the dangers of an explosive and exponential increase in the number of infections in her public appearances, as well as in closed forums, according to constant press reports.

Four more doubles and that’s it, it’s over

According to Bild, his party, the Christian Democratic Union and the fraternal party, in the joint federal parliamentary group of the CSU (Bundestag) on ​​Tuesday, noted that the number of confirmed infections doubles in about a week and the number of people who need intensive care doubles in ten days. From this, as well as from the capacity of the healthcare system, it follows that all beds in intensive care units in German hospitals are filled at Christmas.

Four more doubles and voila, the system is over

– said the Chancellor according to the reports of the participants in the meeting of the political group.

In other places worse

SARS-Cov-2 is spreading rapidly in Germany compared to the summer after the first wave, but with less force than in most neighboring countries. According to the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI) on Tuesday, there have been 11,409 infections in the past 24 hours, up from 6,868 more than a week earlier.

Since the outbreak, the pathogen has been detected in 449,275 people. The number of deaths associated with the disease caused by the virus (Covid-19) increased by 42 in one day to 10,098. The seven-day moving average of the virus’s so-called reproduction rate (R) is 1.30, according to the latest RKI data from Monday. This means that for every 100 people infected, they transmit the pathogen to an average of 130 more people.

The number of people treated in the intensive care unit for Covid-19 rose by 66 in one day to 1,362, according to the latter, also on Monday. About 45 percent of them (622 people) need mechanical ventilation. These data indicate that only 4 percent of the roughly 30,000 intensive care beds are occupied by Covid-19 patients. At the same time, their numbers are increasing rapidly, almost five hundred from 879 the previous Tuesday.
