Men’s handball: the future of Tatabánya is in danger


The future of the Tatabánya men’s handball team is in jeopardy: the club is struggling with funding problems, payment of player salaries is slipping and management is considering drastic measures.

The future of the people of Tatabánya is in danger (Photo: Bence Hagymási / Komárom-Esztergom County 24 Hours)


With two exceptions, the entire band went through the coronavirus, for which Tatabánya had to miss almost fifty days, returning from the forced hiatus in the Europa League group stage match against Trebnje in Slovenia on November 17. Although the long absence is not the biggest problem for the club. around your house. Following the 31-28 league win over Dabas, Miner’s head coach Vladan Matics said: “We know each other, what is happening within the team, so I can only congratulate the guys, I’m proud of them!”

Exactly what is happening in Tatabánya was reported by former world championship silver medalist, six-time Hungarian goalscorer, 171-time national team László Marosi, president of Grundfos Tatabánya.

“It is a (also) difficult year professionally behind us Marosi said in a statement sent to National Sports. – We have been struggling with ongoing funding issues in the recent past; we have not been able to master it to this day. We cannot pay the benefits of our adult players exactly, and in this situation the functioning of the team was jeopardized. (…) If there is no significant improvement in our financial situation, we must commit to taking drastic steps. We also have to make the most painful decisions for the benefit of the players, the professional staff and, last but not least, the club. We cannot keep this quality set, of which six players are members of the narrow Hungarian national team, in this line-up. “

That means the miner, who is currently in sixth place in NB I, could disintegrate in half, losing to the Europa League in all four matches. In the latter, moreover, it was configured only so as not to exclude the European alliance from the international stage … Amid these adversities, the Matics team traveled to Denmark by bus last week, which almost fell in a double game against GOG , in light of this. unsurprisingly, he also lost these two encounters. Professional work was further complicated by the virus, as only ten matches have been played in Tatabánya since September. Still, everyone persists, no one wants to abandon the sinking ship.

“A year and a half ago, when I certified for Tatabánya after seven seasons in Szeged, a promising vision was looming. – Zsolt Balogh, the shooter of 63 national teams, told us. – In the long term, the goal was to create a core of Hungarian handball players that would appeal to all. Many players came, even last year, this trend continued throughout the summer. The problems first appeared in October 2019 when we faced stagnant payments. But we don’t take care of that, we just try to perform our best on the track. The truth, however, is that these financial difficulties persist to this day. “

The 31-year-old EHF Cup winning player added that they don’t blame the leaders who continue to work on the solution. By the way, athletes also played a role in easing the financial burden, as they withdrew fifty percent of their benefits after the coronavirus outbreak; Balogh said there was full agreement. El Minero now cut the current bidding with a reduced budget, but the desired effect was not achieved; in September the association was only able to transfer his six-month salary, not so much since then.

“The fact that the payment did not arrive on time was accepted by all the players Balogh continued. “What is more concerning is that we did not even get a date when the debts would be paid. If the club had a vision, no one would care if we only got our money every three months … Even though everyone in Tatabánya feels good, we want to be able to keep the company together. How does someone throw us a lifeline? I do not know. But it would be a shame for the team, mainly because of the 2022 European Championship, partly national, as the national team can also benefit from our familiarity. The question is how long this condition can last. We haven’t been paid for almost three months … I have a teammate who a big name band signed up for in the summer but still stuck around. Now, however, the lines are burning with managers. And it would be great to go to Christmas holidays to get things sorted out. As long as there is hope, we have confidence ”.

Tatabánya will no longer play in this calendar year, his championship against Budakalász will be left behind due to coronavirus diseases in Pest counties. The Baloghs are still training this week, with the framework meeting in January, with the exception of national team players traveling to the World Cup, if they don’t hurry by then.
