Menczer explained: They attack Péter Szijjártó because they cannot catch him in his work.


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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As a loyal Secretary of State, Tamás Menczer, Hungary’s Secretary of State for Information and International Representation, was quick to defend his minister, Péter Szijjártó.

Menczer on HírTV Hungary live Sitting opposite the presenter Andrea Földi-Kovács, he restored the theme of sailing on the Adriatic by Chancellor Péter Szijjártó.

When asked by Földi-Kovács if he is not concerned that the head of the ministry who performs the public task is on vacation on a yacht owned by the businessman close to the government, László Szjj, Menczer said:

“I would approach it another way, I think the chancellor is being attacked on his family vacation because they can’t catch him with anything at work.”

Menczer then outlined in detail what he thinks the point is: Since Szijjártó was Foreign Minister, all foreign economic data has been at record highs, tens of thousands of jobs have been created and the number of jobs created through of foreign institutions has exceeded 80,000.

How we were able to spend a vacation on the luxury yacht of the fourth richest businessman in the country, who was covered by public procurement, who could not pay with his own declared income, and would not be allowed to accept as a gift, we have been trying for days to ask Péter Szijjártó. But his colleagues in government are also chanting the “private matter” mantra without stopping.

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