Menczer: All of Europe is queuing for coronavirus vaccine in China


Tamás Menczer pointed out in his video: if Europe needs the Chinese vaccine is well demonstrated by the fact that after its announcement on Thursday, the Hungarian government is in advanced negotiations, and in a few hours 14 European countries have requested the Chinese manufacturer. “By now, all of Europe is likely to be back online in China,” he noted. The Secretary of State said that the lines in the Chancellery were also “burned”, European politicians asked “what it is” and why they do not know.

Menczer’s words are particularly interesting, as the international media and academia have been talking about vaccine issues in China and Russia for weeks. Professor Ernő Duda, a virologist, told Szeged Television yesterday that “Chinese vaccines are lagging behind, their technology is far from that of Pfizer-BioNTech and the vaccines manufactured by Moderna.” He says the situation with Chinese vaccines is chaotic. He recalled that a notice on Western vaccines would be published prior to approval, detailing the course and results of the experiments. Ernő Duda emphasized that the vaccinated and destroyed virus remains in the body and can potentially trigger autoimmune processes. This means that the destroyed virus can subsequently trigger an immune response in which the body begins to attack itself.

According to the Tamás Menczer report, the departure of the Hungarian doctors was organized during Christmas days. After their arrival, they began their two-week quarantine under Chinese rules. During the quarantine period, the documents were analyzed and videoconferenced, and then the on-site investigation was started at the end of the quarantine.

And on Saturday, one of them said they could see everything they wanted to see in China and they were happy with the result. “They will make their decision, whatever it is, I believe in them,” said the secretary of state.

In Hungary, vaccination is voluntary, recalled Tamás Menczer, who encouraged everyone to register at, as he did. “Whoever is registered will have preference,” said the Secretary of State, adding that “all life matters!”

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